Thursday, February 7, 2008

Bad Buzz Lightyear

Jake: My foot hurts, mama.
Me: Why?
Jake: Because Buzz Lightyear.
Me: Because of Buzz Lightyear? What?
Jake: Because Buzz Lightyear was sword fighting and went "swoosh, swoosh" (swinging action) and hurt my foot.
Me: Oh. Sorry.

Still don't know what this is about or where it came from. More to come...


megan said...

Cute Jake! And good job on the marathon! I hope your knee is okay now. And I really like the hair- I think you should do it. It's always fun to have a change!

Jacqui said...

hey, so I just made my blog private. We'll see how it goes. I was kind of getting obsessed that I had so much personal info on it. so you have to sign in to read it, sorry! But, I have an email address posted on my profile if anyone wants to email me to get an invite sent to the blog.

How was your weekend? It actually warmed into the 30's here. YAY! We had LIsa up and LIvi's b-day. Fun!