Thursday, December 17, 2009

Kid Parties are all well and good...

But NOT from 3 - 6 am (which is what was going on at our house this (early) morning. What an awful night! They woke up to go to the bathroom, and never went back to bed. We finally "locked" Alisa in her room so she'd go to sleep (the ol' rope trick) and put Jake on the couch. Alisa fell asleep around 5:30, which was when Brooke woke up screaming. Jake was still awake. I put him back in his bed, fed Brooke, and prayed for a few more hours of sleep. I slept from 6-8 am. So, a total of 5 hours. I am a beast today.

I did manage to exercise. P90X... nice and motivating to see the ripped bodies before the holidays.


Nicole Palmer said...

Man, darn kids!!! Hope you got a nap or got to bed early? I LOVE the picture of you & your kids a few posts back when they're on your back at the table - so cute!!

Jennifer said...

Wow, I'm SO sorry, Ali. Yuck. That freaks me out to think about having more kids one day.... But hey- I LOVE all those photos and new posts below. And I read ALL of it! Am I loyal or what?!? Have a great rest of December! xoxoxox

Caleb and Jenni said...

I wish I was there at 6am to join the party!!!

Heidi said...

It's times like this when Tye and I would wish for a velcro wall to attach our kids to. :) Ha!
Party at the Seamans!!!

Jacqui said...

Bummer. Sounds like our week a little. So hard!

BTW, just because you're in Flaggie doesn't mean you can't post on your blog! Please do. We miss you and would love to experience your holiday virtually! :)

XO Merry Christmas!

Carleton & Robyn said...

Yuck! We're thinking of having a third and I'm a little nervous. I love P90X too. My little Annie is throwing up again so I'm taking her into the doc today. Being a mom is a tough job.