Saturday, December 3, 2011

Give Thanks part 2

We went up to UT for Thanksgiving and had a blast! Here's the sign as you drive into my sister's gated community (we are the Crane's, not Quink). It was so, so much fun to hang out, go swimming together, do our annual cousin and family gift exchange, see the lights at Temple Square in SLC, celebrate Jacqui's birthday, play games and laugh together. Thank you, Scott fam, for a FABULOUS time!
My kids are at a great age... self-entertained (or entertained by older cousins--thanks!) so there was minimal mom duty on my part and no midnight waking up!

Olivia led the girly activities every day. She is awesome with the kids! Love her! They were thrilled when she dressed up, too.

Cousin exchange... best buds.

My dad's got some minute-to-win-it skills! Wouldn't that be a cute Christmas card if he and my mom did that together and spelled "Merry Xmas" or something?!
Playing Bananagrams                                     
Guess who won...
 Did anyone shower that day? I don't think Jare did... I definitely didn't. Nice.
 My dad really impressed with those skills

 Melts my heart Addison

 Corban during gift exchange... it was nice to do it at Thanksgiving. The kids were thrilled about getting presents early.

This year the whole family participated in a turkey trot. I think we took over the neighborhood! It was really fun. Jeff borrowed enough joggers that we had all the little kids covered. I was pretty impressed with everyone's jogging skills.
Addison and Malia
 Jared and Jacqui
 Brody and Treston
 Baby Lily, Darin, Michelle, Tarah, Lisa
 Proof that I was there, my dad, Ash pushing Brookie (See? mommy duties taken care of! Thanks, Ash.)
 Scott pushing Eliza and Alisa
 Eth, Jacqui, Jeff
 Corban, Addison, Malia
 Taking over the neighborhood
Jake post run... playing at the park with Grandpa, Liv and Ash watching kids. Thanks!
 Alisa climbing with Eliza
 What am I doing?
 Brody and Lily
 Afterwords, we cleaned up and met for a family picture. We took a lot of good ones inside. Just when all the kids had had enough, we realized that Olivia and been hiding through the picture taking time. Aaahhh! So, we moved outside and bribed our kids to get them to smile. 
Li and my Mama
 Who is this grown up young woman? Seriously... that happened too fast!
J&J fam

Our fam

 J & T fam
 M&D fam
 The whole Clan
 Us again
 Mom, Dad and Li
 Lookin' hot
 Li and Jesus
 J&A fam
Playing in the fall leaves. It was such a pleasant day!

 Josh had his own personal photo shoot... he cracks me up!

 Food prep for the feast


Jacqui said...

Josh--what a riot! Seriously the best photos of the entire trip. I love that attitude you're throwing at the park with Jeff. HAHA! And my tongue in the goofy family picture. Uh, Photoshop, anyone?? So much fun.

Emily said...

Looks like a great time! Your families are all growing SO fast.. :)

The Curry Family said...

Time with family is always so wonderful! Looks like you had a fabulous time!