Sunday, May 6, 2012

We're Baa-ack (Trying to blog again)

Well... these are random phone pictures, but it's a start, right? Here are some basketball/cheerleading pictures. 
 I'll be honest. I am not a huge cheer fan in general, but she was so darling. However, she was a bit too young and practices were like pulling teeth. My teeth. One by one, without anesthetic. Seriously. We probably should've just quit after the first week. Ah, well. Live and learn.
Yes, I was too cheap to get a picture. This was off my phone. 

 Jake surprised me one night by coming down in this. What a beautiful girl! It reminded my of Roberta from Swiss Family Robinson.

 Jake after his class performance of the frog prince.

 Preschool was fun this year. It's over now, but one of the girls (there were 8 of them!) favorite activities was painting. My kids love to paint and are entertained for quite awhile painting rocks and balloons... anything, really.
Brookie loved having preschool at our house. She just jumped right in. Wow, I'll have to post more recent pictures. She's grown some more hair. :)

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY! That's me doing a happy dance that you are blogging again. We live too far away from each other. I need my Ali fix off of your blog! I love you. And Your stinking cute kids. Miss your guts. Keep blogging!