Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Sweet Jake and Nightmarish Night

This morning Jake was getting out of the car to go to preschool. I kept saying "I love you" and he kept ignoring me. After five or six times came the much-waited-for reply I love you, too, mom!

Yay! He heard me! Then he ran back to the car.

I forgot to give Alisa a hug and a kiss! He jumped in, gave a sweet hug and kiss to her, then went to the preschool door (yes, I do just drop him off, unlike those wonderful, much more caring mom's who take their kids inside and make sure all is well. That's just how I roll...).

When he got to the door, he turned around and blew me a kiss. I blew one back to him, smiling. Then he gave me an air hug. What a sweetie!

It almost makes up for last night. Almost, but not quite.

Alisa woke up and came in at 3. I couldn't fall asleep until almost 1 am, so it was not a welcomed wake-up. Anyway, I take her to the bathroom. As I take her back to her room, I realize her light is on. She then explains she can't find her princess. I tuck her back in, find her princess dolls, and give them to her. No, the princess skirt! Right. I find the skirt. Give it to her. No, the other one. I think it's in the dishwasher, mom! Okay, I think she means the dirty princess nightgown she wears all day long... in the dirty clothes hamper. I retrieve it. Thank you, mom! Okay, go to sleep. Jake is stirring.

40 minutes later I hear squeals coming from their room. I go in. They are partying it up! It's almost 4 am. No parties. I'm dying. I tuck them in, give them another chance. 20 minutes go by and I hear more squeals. I take Alisa and put her to bed on my floor. 20 more minutes pass. Jake wanders in (his footsteps are very loud) and starts dumping toys on the ground. Alisa's toys. His toys. I am too tired to move. Around 5, he gets his bed set up, complete with all his hoarded toys. They start chit-chatting and giggling. I am about to lose it.

Scott somehow miraculously gains consciousness. He takes Jake and his pillow and goes to bed in Jake's room. I sleep.

Baby wakes up at 6:15. I have gotten one more hour of sleep; three hours total. I warm a bottle, wake Scott up (hallelujah! She's done nursing!) and tell him to please take her until he has to leave or he can't stand it anymore. I put in earplugs and go back to sleep until 7:30, when Scott has to leave.

I am, once again, a very grouchy mama. I have a hard time functioning with out sleep. I was hoping Alisa would fall asleep on the drive home from taking Jake to preschool, but no such luck. Oh, well. Here are some pictures just for fun.

I LOVE her huge smile. She is sweet most of the time. Although today I must admit I yelled at her for saying "no" to me over and over and over. Told ya, I'm a grouchy mama today.
My blue-eyed beauties. Brookies are so clear. I love it. I hope she grows dark brown hair. She is finally, after much practice, starting to sit up, but she still won't put pressure on her legs for long. Kind of lazy, if you ask me.
Latest craft. I whipped this up on Sunday morning (church is not until 1 pm. We decided any later than that and it would no longer be the true church... ha, ha. Just kidding.) Anyhow, I made this out of two hand-me-downs (thanks, Bethi) that got too crusty to wear. It was supposed to be a skirt from a tutorial here, but ended up tight and a bit mermaid-ish, so I made it into a shirt instead. It is really cute on, if I do say so myself. I don't know why I feel so crafty lately. But there you have it.

She's knock-kneed and it is so cute!
Jake and Scott reading The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Jake LOVED it. We are now reading Stuart Little, which he likes, but not quite as much. I've never read it (or seen the movie) so I don't have any idea what will happen. It's fun to read chapter books with Jake. I love that he's old enough to like them.
After our week off of school (lots of snow) and no shaving, Scott decided to try a goatee. I like it. He likes it. But it's getting long enough to poke my nostrils when he kisses me. Ha! Still, what a hunk... don't mind the diaper bag growing out of his head. Nice.


Mindy and Marty said...

okay , I am SO THE SAME WAY without ornery mean momma. I can not function and I feel worthless and weak. I'm sorry about your night! that sucks and it takes a while to 'catch up' on all those lost hours. What crazy kiddos! I love the crafty shirt- you are getting really good and quick too.
How fun to be reading with Jake...He is getting old! you drop him off at school- your in a new phase girl it's so crazy that we are getting old....

Jacqui said...

Very hunky Scotty boy! REally, I love the goatee look. Jeff keeps his only for that reason, otherwise it would be gone because it bugs him. He "accidentally" nicked it today and had to shave it nearly clean off. Sure--SURE it was an accident! HA! :)

Sorry about the sleep loss. My night was about the same and I feel so ready to barf today. I get all woozy, barfy, cranky, non-focused,'s fab. without sleep! Booooo....

Lov eyou guys. SO excited to see you soon.XO

Christy said...

Wow Wow Wow! I hate those nights, for me is takes a couple days to recover. Hope they slept better last night.

That shirt you made it so cute. I have lost my crafty groove, maybe it will come back soon.

Bethi said...

Sorry about the kids! They are so gosh darn cute though! I have no idea about the fabric that you used for Alisa's shirt. But thanks for the credit! haha! What was it from? Scott looks good. I have to admit that it is taking some getting used to! Love you guys!

Heidi said...

That shirt is so cute! You are so talented at just "whipping up a shirt". I can hardly sew on a button!
Sorry about your crazy, sleepless night! Don't kids know they are suppose to stay in bed for 10 hours???

Jacqui said...

PS Darling shirt!

How's the packing going? I have done NOTHING, and somehow I don't care. Maybe it's because my house is ripped up and we are all recovering from an illness. All I want to do is sleep! But we're so excited for Cali. See you soon, you big baboon.



Caitlin said...

Ali! Wow it's been awhile since I have stopped by. First of all the Hunger Games is one of the best books ever! I have the second one if you want to read it and make Scott read it too! They are the best! Also I do the same thing with Cash at school. I think he prefers it that way because he feels big. Im sorry to hear about the rough night. I hate those kind of nights. Your blue eyed girls are too cute! Brooklyn is such a doll. I want to pinch her cheeks. We need to get the boys together soon. They always have a nice time together. Tell Scott he does look nice with a I can kind of picture my dad with one...he has never had facial hair in my life and I feel like Scott looks a lot like him thats why I can say hes a pretty handsome guy. :)

Caitlin said...

Oh and oops I am super impressed with that shirt. I might have to try one for Sailor!

Caleb and Jenni said...

First... Goatee? Really? The girls from high school would never recognize that baby face hidden under all that hair! But as you know... I am a fan of facial hair :) Lucky for the kids at work... you do have to wear a mask at work right? :)

As for your kids, I cannot believe you are taking Jake to preschool. It just melts my heart. If you ever have a late night, just send them here. I'll stay up with them any night!

I miss you guys! Love you!!!!

Carleton & Robyn said...

I feel tired for you. Yuck. I feel tired even after 9 hours of sleep. My kids have been coughing at nights lately and Apollo needs to pee.

I looooove the shirt you made. Very very pretty.