Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Well, it's been awhile. A long, crazy while. Somehow most days I haven't even touched the computer, let alone think about keeping some kind of journal on my blog! Sheesh.

Alisa has a cough. Still. It's been a month. Doctor tomorrow. Last night Alisa coughed all night long, despite cough suppressant, humidifier, and sippy of water. It woke me up and kept me up a lot of the night. Along with her coughs were sounds of construction. The banging of heavy materials and beeping of trucks backing up--all night. Not a restful night.

I woke up and got the kids downstairs to make breakfast. Scott came down to inform me that the hot water heater must be off because he had a cold shower. It was true. Pilot light off. No big deal, except that when Brookie woke up and I went to get her, she was covered in crusty, chunky barf, probably from sometime in the middle of the night, by the looks of it. Yum. So, poor vomit-covered Brookie had to wait for me to boil water so she could get cleaned up. She was not a happy camper, though I think I handled it ok! :)

The rest of my day was as imagined, but it was a good day: clean up barf baby, scrub out sheets and blankets, wash and dry them (two loads), scrub walls and bed and carpet, vacuum carpet, vacuum whole house, scrub barf out of bathtub, clean bathroom while I'm at it, clean all the bathrooms, fold laundry from yesterday, remake bed, pick up Jake, put Brooke down for a nap, empty dishwasher, load dishes from breakfast and lunch, make chicken noodle soup for dinner, take a small break to blog about it.

Does anyone else have days like this? Sheesh. It's been some work today. And I didn't get to work out. Tomorrow is a new (and hopefully healthier) day.

Besides the crazy past few months, we've been good. I will try to catch up with pictures... soon!


Melissa Zuber said...

I am so with you!! I am dry heaving thinking about all the intestinal clean-up, not my forte. Busy! YEAH BUDDY!!

Jacqui said...

Barf is the worst. Sorry it was a barf day. Ethan had a cough that wouldn't quit, either. Finally took him to the doc and he got him an inhaler with albuterol (sp?). He inhaled it 3 puffs, 3x/day and it healed him right up. I gave some to Eliza when she had a cough, and she took was relieved. Ash gets a non-stop cough twice a year and now is being treated for asthma (although we really only use the meds when it flares up, like during soccer). I actually think it might be allergies, but the Qvar seems to work. Expensive, though. Yikes. But lasts a long time.

It is so nice to hear from you. Our life has been nuts, too, and we haven't been able to connect. Reading your blog is so nice--a little bit of Ali when I can't chat with you personally. Love you.

And yes, I've had many days like this. Remember my paint and poop day where Ash dumped a gallon of paint and Olivia pooped all over her crib, throwing and smearing it everywhere? Great day. It's funny now, but ugh at the time.

Bethi said...

Sorry for the crummy day! Dang! You need to update more! I love your stories. Not that they are all great in the moment ... :) love you guys!

Heidi said...

Oh...yeah...I still have a foam pad hanging on our fence from barf. Ha! Ha! Not fun! My heart goes out to you! And I hope Brooke is feeling better now!