Saturday, November 14, 2009


Jake's class took a field trip to the emergency dept. at the hospital. He had to wear the "fly hat" aka the envy of all 4-year-old boys. He loved climbing in the helicopter. Alisa went, too and had a ball climbing up a hospital bed, getting monitors hooked up to her, climbing in the ambulance and helicopter.
Miss Jana's preschool class
Our little dolly. She seems to be getting happier... slowly!
Alisa is our sweet two year old. Mostly. As we approached home from Flagstaff, she was crying and saying she wanted "lellow." We couldn't figure it out. We were all guessing what she meant (Jake too) and finally figured out she wanted to go to Show Low! When we told her we were already there and our house was in Show Low, she was pretty disappointed.

Another time we were pulling into our driveway when I announced that we were home (why? it was pretty obvious we were home, but I always feel that I should state the obvious). Anyways, Alisa said, "This not our home!" When I said it was, she insisted it wasn't our house. Whose house is it, then? "Steve's." Yes, we are renting from Steve. Anytime they start to get destructive, we tell them it's Steve's house and not to ruin it. Guess that message is sinking in.


Melissa said...

I love Alisa's "home" comment. Casey has been doing the same thing lately. He thinks "home" is our old apartment, and cries every time I say "It's time to go home." Then he'll say "No, I want to go to Casey's house." I think he's beginning to understand, but you know how it is explaining things to a 2 year old. We miss you guys.


Caleb and Jenni said...

I love the big bow and the helicopter pictures. Maybe he will be inspired to fly with me someday. Every mother's dream right? :) ha ha, glad you guys are doing well! Give those kids a kiss from Aunt Jenni. Love you! :)

Heidi said...

Yeah, I have to remind our kids that we don't own our home either when they go into destructo mode.