Wednesday, November 4, 2009


We went to Flag for Halloween and so Scott could meet with a dentist and go shooting in preparation for the big hunt this month. It was a fun, whirlwind weekend. We're glad to live closer than we ever have to our families.

We had a little too much fun with the Seaman's Halloween box, trying to figure out what we could dress up as the next night. Here's Kels the angel bunny.
Inspired by the pajamas, we thought a leopard would be just perfect for Grandma (who was VERY hesitant about getting dressed up in the first place... as in, she wasn't going to).
Um... the black haired angel? I've always wanted to wear wings. And a wig. The wig was just hot. And hairy. And itchy.
He was a pretty hot jester. I don't know how he ended up as the scary rocker he was.
Grandma Seaman as a witch? Those p.j.'s were too inspiring. We had to go with the leopard theme.
I kinda like that black, nappy, voluminous hair!
Grandpa Seaman was so hard core. He pulled this beauty out of nowhere. We were all pretty shocked. When he said biker, I thought he meant spandex, a race shirt, gloves, etc. Think Loma Linda, peeps...
Kels with TL-aka Trevor the bathrobe bum
Elfeba and Galinda. Look at that girl's tiny waist! Those Seaman girls waists never cease to amaze me! Lucky. What a gorgeous girl! And a greenish witch.
Grandma was such a good sport about dressing up and even sported the face paint! We were all impressed. And Grandpa was rockin' the biker attire. Jake told a lady at the park today that his grandpa had lots and lots of tatoos.
Jake loved the face paint and thought his dad was pretty cool. Like his bucket? Thanks, Grandma. Slacker mom forgot the trick-or-treat buckets.
Me as Elfeba and Brookie as... Brookie. Slacker mom forgot the babies costume. Oh, well. Brooke didn't know the difference.
She may look sweet here (and she was) but getting her to dress up was a beast! We held her down and pulled the Belle dress on (which she loves). She immediately declared it "too tight" (i.e. it touches her skin) and took it off. I offered a bear costume. She decided it was too big. After 20 minutes or so, we just gave up and were going to take her in normal clothes when Grandma offered her pink candy if she would be a princess. Way to bribe! It worked. She loves all things pink.
Scary skeleton rocker with the princess. She almost started crying when she first saw him, even with the glasses off. She was in a delicate state. I had to pull the wig into a ponytail for chili eating purposes.

Before I forget.

Jake: Please help us to go see the temple someday. And Alisa and I can get married in the temple (pause, looking up) right, Mom?

Mom, will you go on the slide with us?
Sure, Jake.
Yeah, (sizing me up) you're not too fat. You can go with us.

Alisa (same park, same day): Mom, get off! You too heavy. Get down, mom. Too heavy! You too heavy!

Alisa is really into puzzles lately. We have three of them (25 pieces) and she pulls them out and puts them together all by herself. She also holds her pencil the correct way and has been drawing circles for probably six months. Maybe she'll have the artistic gene that eluded me. Just some things I want to remember.

Jake asks questions by saying "is" followed by a statement. Is I am going to a friend's house today? Every time. It's pretty cute. He had a solo for the primary program, singing a line of a song all by himself into a microphone. He did great. It was right on pitch, right with the piano. His speaking part, previously memorized (Psalms 82:6) was done only after the teacher whispered every word to him. Oh, well. He was as wild as ever. He sat in the row in front of his class (5 boys age 4), and constantly turned around to see what they were doing, to laugh and poke them, etc. I was out in the hall, but it ended in Jake and two other boys wrestling during the last song. Nice. He is my wild thing. Maybe next year he will be more reverent...


Kristi said...

Oh my goodness - Les and Linda were too adorable! I love The Elphaba and Glinda too! Cute!!! I agree - so unfair that they have such tiny little waists - remember Bethi trying on her wedding dress for us! Sheesh!
Looks like you had an awesome Halloween!!!

Ren, Anna, & Tristan said...

I'm laughing so hard at your kids. Gotta love things they say that help the old self esteem, huh!! And you guys are so festive for Halloween! Alisa is a doll!

Amanda said...

the second picture of the scary rocker reminds me of MJ

Caleb and Jenni said...

Ha ha I am cracking up right now! My mom in her PJs at the WARD activity! I haven't laughed this hard in a while! Ha ha ha ha! And your kids of course, adorable. Kelsi looks great in my prom dress :) And I love all of your creativity. I think Scott just wanted his face painted. Ha ha I love this post! Thanks so much for sharing!

Jacqui said...

Very fun stuff. Love the pictures, the commentary and the hilarious thinks your kids have said and done recently. They're my favorite.

Bethi said...

Hahaha! I cannot believe you guys got mom to dress up! That is skill right there! Those kids are too funny. They sure make life interesting! :) Now my only hope would be to get that waist back! Ah! I am so lazy!

Lindsay said...

What fabulous Halloween pictures! I'm going to have to get my Mom on here to show here that if Grandma Seaman dressed up, certainly Grandma McGuire can dress up too!