Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Little Peek...

... at life in our little town. We're having fun. Two weeks ago, it was a beautiful, warm, sunny day. Today, it's SNOWY! It's been a lovely turn into winter. The kids are thrilled, and we are getting good use out of our fireplace! Here are some things we've been up to.

We got a package from Grandma Seaman. Thank you! You are always so thoughtful and our kids will now be warm in their new p.j.'s. Don't mind Alisa's partial nudity. She is IN LOVE with her beautiful princess skirt. She wears it everywhere (over her pants). Perfect!
These are by far his favorite. I love the webbing. He really, really wants to be able to stick to walls like the real Spiderman.
We took a trip to Show Low Lake on the warm day two weeks ago. We tried fishing with the Transformer and Disney Princess poles, but didn't catch a thing. We had fun, though. Brookie slept like a champ and besides Alisa's face plant on the rocks, it was a good time.
I think this was pre-face plant.

What a big girl! I can't believe my little baldy now has enough hair to do 2 half-pony tails. She seems so grown up. We took her to the dr. for a flu shot and check-up. She's in about the 75th percentile for height, weight, and head. Tall and proportionate.
Baby B is also healthy and proportionate, weighing in at 14.9 lbs. What a chunk! Alisa had to go potty during Brooke's check-up, so I was gone when he checked her growth. I just looked it up, though. I guess she is between the 25th and 50th for height, 50th and 75th for weight, and over the 95th for head circumference. Glad she was a c-section with that noggin! It is such a square head, too. A cute square head.
Pumpkin Carving for FHE. Jake was thrilled he had a bad guy pumpkin face. He was also totally grossed out from the pumpkin slime/seeds. He would not touch it at first, but finally dared to take the plunge. Once. That was enough. He asked for a spoon to scoop it out. Alisa was wary at first, too, but dug in after awhile, ending with, "My hands are messy! I need to wash my sticky hands!"
This really captured their own personalities. Look at those faces. Lately Jake will growl at Alisa with this really ugly face and chase her around the house. She runs in, terrified. Poor girl. She says he's too scary! She is a sweetie, and a typical two year old, rolled into one. Are my kids the only crazy nudists? Seriously. It's below freezing outside and they are prancing around in their undies. I have to fight to keep clothes on them for more than a half hour.
We decided to roll them in heath bits. Yum. After weeks of no ice cream or anything (not that we have treats much, but you know...) it was nice to have a treat I could eat (not that I should've!).
Final Pumpkins
The FIRST SNOW!!! Jake's been asking me since August when it's going to snow. There's something magical about the first snow. It has stayed cold enough that it didn't melt too much. This was yesterday. Today we went across the street to the golf course and sledded down the hill for over an hour. The kids had a lot of fun. I'm glad we live so close to a hill!


Nicole Palmer said...

I'm happy to hear you guys are enjoying your new digs! Your little nudists are adorable!! :)

Camille said...

Hey Ali! I've got some links for quiet book ideas. If you'll send me your email I can forward them to you: Love the ODD!

Heidi said...

Oh, I wish it would snow over here! Tye actually turned the A.C. on for a couple hours today! Your kids are Californians at heart running around in their skinnies.:)

Jacqui said...

I love those naked jaybirds. You know #2 was like that, and #1 had her nude times, too. The younger two like clothes. So, yeah, your kids are weird.


It was totally snow here all week, too, but was nice today for Halloween. YEAH! Can't wait to see your pics. Tell Jake his scary face really is scary! YIKES. Crazy ol' Jakerelli.

So, are you dieting? I need to so bad. I have become a chow hound. It's terrible! Months of good work fly out the door in one weekend...or maybe two weeks, but STILL.

XO Miss ya miss ya

Caleb and Jenni said...

I love the pony tails and the snow suits! I heard you guys had fun on halloween. Sad I missed it. Miss you guys! Can't wait to see you soon! Love you

Ashley said...

Oh. Snow.

Mindy and Marty said...

So I love the proud or your kids for digging in and 'gutting them' that is a fearful task for kids. Your baby girl is beautiful! she is getting so big since I last saw pics. So where do you live? I guess I am way behind the times. Scott is done with school? Fill me in ..!