Sunday, October 4, 2009

Train Up a Child in the Way He Should Go...

...and when [s]he is old (three months) [s]he will not depart from it!

We are facing this with Brookie. Somehow, in all of our moving, recovering, vacations, and getting settled in, we forgot to give Brooke a bottle. For two months. So we effectively trained her NOT to take a bottle. AH! We are paying for it now. We did give her one a few times when she was little, then just slacked off. She has refused to take a bottle, and does she ever have a set of lungs to let you know how she feels about it.

So we are taking the Baby Whisperer's advice and doing a two day hiatus from breast feeding. I am not exaggerating when I say Brooke has some lungs. She screams and screams her "angry scream" for about 20 minutes before she actually takes a bottle. But, she is taking a bottle! We have 24 hours to go, and hopefully by the end of it she won't be screaming when she is offered a bottle. It is rough. Really, really rough. The first day she refused to eat and screamed until her morning nap. She went from 10:30 pm until about 10 am without eating. What a stubborn little thing! Hopefully today will be better.

Today at church:

Alisa (whispering): Mom, I have to tell you a secret (she still has some baby talk, but this is what she said, esentially)

Me: What? (expecting an "I love you" or something)

Alisa: I gonna fro you in the garbage!

Yes, Jake has an influence. This is his latest threat if we take something away from him. Nice. My sweet little girl is learning to trash talk.

On the way home from church:

Jake: Mom, why do I scream like a girl?


Jacqui said...

:) Glad Miss Stubborn Breastfeeding Baby is taking a ba-ba. Good for you for sticking to it.

Juls said...

We forgot to give her the bottle too! I was not as good as you. She is almost onto solids now so we are getting there.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

I only tried a bottle once with Dean and so far only once with Walt. I'm just too lazy to pump and the thought of having to wash bottles and pack up one more thing just makes me shiver. It would be nice to have a little break once in awhile though.

Christy said...

You are so much better at posting then me. I know how you feel with the whole breastfeeding thing. We forgot for a whole year :) Hope it gets better

Melissa said...

I haven't read your blog forever! It took 20 minutes to catch up. Your family is so cute and funny.

I still haven't given Sam a bottle. I think because Jordan only wanted a bottle I am scared to try. I'm glad I read your post you gave me hope...a break once in awhile would be fabulous. I have to admit I do not miss washing bottles!