This is Jake when he was a little over two. What a funny personality! It makes me grateful for him. I sure love my little destructive, wild stinker! Just listen to what he's saying. The boy's got a vocabulary for a two year old. Ah, there's something special about your first...
Landon's 13th Birthday weekend!
5 months ago
Like Linda always says, "He's very advanced". Cutie.
Such a smarty pants. Always has been. And what attention to detail! Describing the fire truck lights and such. There is definitely something special about those first babies...hey, I'm one! haha. Seriously, though, I know what you mean. And we put such high, high expectations on them, too. (speaking for myself)
Can't wait to see the little manly boy!
oh my goodness! He is so cute! I think that is how I will always remember him. love that boy.
This is how I a will always remember Jake! Hallie was excited to watch this video, we need to Ichat!
I was watching this video when Josh was in the room and I think he got a little jealous of my reaction. Jake is probably the one guy that will always have my heart totally and completely. He is so cute!!! Thanks for the great little memory!
Your children are beautiful like you! I quickly looked over your blog, but will get back to reading it later. I swear there is never enough time for it all! Take care- Love,
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