Ok here are some old pictures...random, but here I am after my first professional haircut. Yeah, no one even said anything. When you have long hair, even when you cut 8" off, it's still just long.
Cutie-pie when he was younger. I love those cocoa puff eyes!
Well, I don't know if I even have 6 things to share about myself. I definitely do not have 6 exciting things, but here goes for all of you who are bored enough to read this.
1. I have a thing for spelling words correctly. I am not the best speller, but back in the day when I used to get hand-written letters, I would actually physically correct the spelling on them. Yes, nerdy, I admit. Now you never know if it is truly misspelled or just a typo that someone was too lazy to fix. I don't have a huge vocabulary, but the words I know must be spelled correctly, such as definitely. I also like learning to spell new words, such as faze...that doesn't faze me!
2. I am a groomer. Yes, my dad uses "monkey" not as a pet name but literally. I particularly like to pluck eyebrows and (gasp) pick zits. I know, gross. Sorry, ya'll, but it's true. Don't worry. I only do it if I know you REALLY well (as in we're married or you are my sibling). I know, I know, TMI.
3. I have a love-hate relationship with running. Sometimes it's a passion and sometimes it's a necessary evil (like when I have to push my two kids in the monster stroller up hills for many miles, like 5 or 10 and I only got 4 hours of sleep). Still, I feel compelled to do it. I am training for a half and then a full marathon, which is nice because I have to take some "rest and recover" days. I love being finished with a run, which must be enough to get me out there in the first place, I guess.
4. Ok, so just like my sister, Jacqui, I have this wierd thing about doing my entire bedtime routine BEFORE I pee-pee. (Yes, pee-pee becomes THE term when you are potty training). Even if I am dancing and bursting to go, I must floss, brush, wash my face, put on moisturizer (I use cocoa butter--I am an old lady, I know), and put in my retainer before I go potty. Maybe it was growing up in the same house and somehow we got into the routine, Jac. We were always in the bathroom together, which probably molded me into the social potty-goer I am today.
5. I am a closet dancer. Well, I don't know what else explains my need to boogie when I hear a good beat, ya know? I do not know how to dance well, but I think it's fun to pretend. I LOVE "So You Think You Can Dance" and feel this inner dancer bursting to come forth. Scott says I'm pretty good, which doesn't mean a whole lot in the professional world, but makes me feel good! Ha! Must've been all that Sunshine Generation... Although, thinking of this, it leads me to my last of 6 random facts about me...
6. I hate being in the limelight. I hate it when everyone is staring at me, whether to praise or criticize or whatever. I get so embarrassed and uncomfortable. I do not like being the center of attention. Ah! Even thinking about it makes me blush. I am not shy, although I used to be and have had to fight those tendencies. So, basically, what I'm saying is don't ask me to show you my dancing skills! Just count yourself lucky if you happen upon me while I'm getting down. Oh, by the way, if you've ever seen funny girl (or is it funny face with Audrey Hepburn) I love the dance she does and must learn it. You know the one...in the cafe...if you haven't seen it, check it out from your local library. It's hilarious. So wierd! It's a crack-up.
Well, I am surprised I can just go and go and go. Thanks for reading my ramblings. Oh, here is my 7th confession...I just read my friend Ashley's blog, and have to say it. I feel so in over my head about politics. Sorry to dissappoint you, Ash, but it's true. I wish I knew more about it and was more informed and involved. I do vote, don't worry. I just am never consistently up on the issues or anything. Wish I was...
Well, that's it. Word to your mother. (I was listening to Ice Ice Baby while I ran today--ha!) Ok, I tag Megan, Mindy, Lindsay, Christy, Krista, and Ashley Spencer. Love you girls!