Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Angel Sleepers and Pony tails (plural!)

Mercifully, Jake has figured out how to play with Alisa without me getting out of bed in the morning. He still comes in and wakes me up around 6:15, but he'll go back to climb in the crib and dump a bunch of toys out. Sometimes I actually get to fall back asleep! Ah! I love that they play together more now. 

Jake's wake-up phrase: Mom, the sun is up! It's time to get up! Get out of bed! The sun is up!

I caught these angelic poses the other night. I know I just posted some sleeping pictures, but Jake was such a crack-up! Then I saw my princess sprawled out in Jake's old shirt and couldn't resist.

Isn't this funny?! Who knows how long his hands were clasped like this. He was out.

Ok, doesn't she look like a GIRL?

I had her playing with my old prom jewelry--yes, from 12 or 13 years ago and yes it's cheap from Claire's. Back view. She has so little hair, but hey! That mullet fits into 2 cute pony tails!

Aw, how CUTE! I like it much better than the wispy mullet she has going on lately...

These two trouble makers (with Alisa) probably scared Abby away for good today. With all the growling and getting of bad guys, Abby was definitely more content to play dress up and puzzles with me. While I didn't get a picture of her, Abby DID make Jake's prayer tonight, so she IS his friend, even if Jonas is his #1 love.

They turned on the hose outside this morning and doused each other. It was before 9 so it was a bit chilly outside (as in, it wasn't in the 90's yet), so they got to wear some of Jake's clothes and what better motivator to wear clothes than to match? They loved it.


Jen-ben said...

They are so cute!

Ren, Anna, & Tristan said...

How cute! Maybe he fell asleep praying. :) I like her purple outfit!

megan said...

Yeah! I love that Abby made it into his prayers!! And I love the prayer pose while he is sleeping! Thanks again for watching them. I have your tickets in the car and I PROMISE I will drop them off by tomorrow!