Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Correction and some classic Jake

Well, I said that there were six crazy kids at Christmas. I wasn't counting Alisa. She is never crazy! Ha, ha.

I just didn't count this adorable boy. Just look at those eyes and tell me how you could count him in with the crazies? :) What a sweetie... although he did love banging the Christmas tree balls together...

and yes I stole this picture off of your blog, Manda...

So, some unforgettable funnies from the kids at Christmas. Wish I could remember more. 

*Jake and the "spicy drink" (soda). He was in heaven anytime he had a can in hand, which was multiple times a day. It was diet, but still... bad for the bones. By the end, his cousins were calling it spicy drink instead of soda, too.

*Jake AND Alisa singing the chorus to Hark the Herald (I KNEW that other spelling looked weird, Jacqui!) Angels Sing--Glo-ooooo-ooooo-ooooo-ria (Alisa is right on pitch, it's amazing!) and Jake finishing it off with "Jesus, Kelsi, Spirit, all." (Kelsi is his aunt, although now that we've sung it to them a few times, he is saying "Jesus, Chelsea, Spirit, All").

*Scott, Jeff, and Dad taking all the kids sledding and Jake insisting on hitting the big jumps by himself and impressing everyone around him. Is the kid really only three?! Seriously. I guess it's good he no longer has front teeth to knock out.

*Jake pointing constantly with his middle finger. His older cousins (9 and 6 years old) were freaking out every time. They tried to teach him it was bad, and he came to us and explained, "This finger (pointer) is bad, but this finger (middle) is good." I finally told the girls he was just doing "Where is tall man?" and not to worry about it. Now we tell him that the middle finger always needs a friend up, too. Anyone else's kid do this?

*We got to go skiing (Thanks again, Les and Linda) and rented Jake some AWESOME mini skis. They were about to his chest or smaller and he was so proud of them! He rode the chairlift with Grandpa most of the time and was very concerned: Is the chair going to break? Are we going to fall down?

*After little persuasion, I decided that skiing was like riding a bike and that I would remember how (even though it'd been 7 years and I am pregnant). It was great--minus the burning quads. Jake only had ONE meltdown when he wanted to ski "all by myself" and point his skis straight down the mountain. I guess I was too wimpy going back and forth in the good ol' plow. He fell right down on his back and through tears said, "I broke my leg!" There were a couple of times we sat down to take a break and even then he would say, "I just broke my arm! I broke my knuckles!" I think there's some false idea here... Besides that, he had a blast and declared that he wanted to go again and again and never go home!

*Jake's prayer at the end of the ski day: "Thank you I could go skiing and bring my own little skis, and that I got the skis from the store and they are mine, and that I could do tricks, like this (doing a trick on the bed), and like this (another trick), and like this..." Yep, we emphasize reverence in our prayers. Ha!

*Alisa LOVED Abby the dog (as opposed to Abby the girl--Jake's friend). She followed her around saying "Abby dog, Abby dog" and Abby would high tail it to the doggie door. That didn't stop Alisa. We found her stuck multiple times in that darned door. 
*Alisa would drag Abby's bed to her instead of waiting for her to come to bed.
*Every time Alisa sat in the high chair to eat, she's take a bite and drop a bite for Abby, or just feed Abby instead. They shared drinks and snacks, too. Yum.
*Alisa and Jake persuaded Abby to let them pet and play with her by the end of the week by feeding her doggie treat after doggie treat while no one was looking. Abby took the abuse quite well.


Jacqui said...

I'm so glad I got to see this picture again. I loved it on Amanda's blog. Corban is such a cute little munchkin. Those eyes...

Kristi said...

Russ points w/ his middle finger too!! we have been working with him to use the pointer for forever! Sometimes when I am painting the girls nails he makes me paint that one (I use green or blue) that way he remembers which to use!
I love the abby the dog stuff and Jake skiing - how cute!!!

Melissa said...

How fun that all the family got to be together! I loved coming to your house as a kid because you guys always have so much crazy fun and it looks like it's the same now! Love the Darth Maul light saber. Nicholas was (luckily) happy with a regular red light saber. I don't know where to find the double red one! Anywhere besides Disneyland??

Lindsay said...

It was good to see you guys last weekend. Jake's prayer is fantastic. :)

Jacqui said...

I think it's "Hark the Herald Angels," but personally I like Harold Angels better. Lol. I am still laughing about that one. :)

So fun that the Seaman's have a dog. My kids would be in heaven. I doubt we'll ever get one, but Ash loved, loved, loved walking Nika every day.

Sorry about the soda addiction. It did keep them happy for loooong periods of time, though, yes? :)

I think it is absolutely pathetic (of us, not you) that Jake has skiied and A and O have not! What a bad mama I am. We keep swearing they will every year, but it seems like I am always pregnant and Jeff thinks he doesn't like skiing anymore. (Although I know if he'd just get on the slopes he'd love it...he always does.) K--you have motivated me. They are going to GO.

PS Every day Ethan says, "I need to see my Jake." and "I want to go to Jake's house." He even "wrote" a card for "my Jake," but then lost it. He kept coloring on it saying, "This is for MY JAKE! My JAKE!" I am so glad they will have each other as cousins growing up.

JLJ said...

My #1 always points with her middle finger. However, she has no older cousins (or friends) who know anything, so we've been able to get away with it so far. Who know what 1st grade will bring?!?

Great Christmas pictures BTW. Your parents do look fantastic.

Colleen said...

Now that we know how to spell Herald...isn't it "Angels we have Heard on High" that the chorus says "glor-ooo--ooo-ria"? I have to say that I'm really impressed with Alisa's singing abilities! You can't understand the words, but the tune is very clear.