Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Birthday Celebration and Ballerina

At Jake's preschool, Mrs. Morales has a tin can birthday cake. She sticks some candles on a lights it, reminded the kids that only grown ups can use matches (smart teacher--we love her!). Jake was thrilled that it was his turn to celebrate his birthday (we are having an Easter party tomorrow on his real birthday). Here he is... what a big boy!

Jake refused to look at me for a picture.
Alisa's new ballerina swimsuit, courtesy of Grandma Seaman. I wouldn't be able to resist, either! It's so so so cute!


Derek and Bethi said...

Happy Birthday tomorrow, Jakey! Make sure to check the mail every now and then because there might be a suprise! ;) And Alisa is adorable! That swimsuit is SO cute! She is getting be so grown-up! Love it!

Carleton & Robyn said...

I want that swimsuit for myself (only in black until I lose my pregnancy weight).

Melissa Zuber said...

You have the cutest kids. How is your pregnancy going? I hope you are taking it easy and not running 17 miles!