Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Funnies and Pictures

Some funny moments:
Today, Alisa said, "Dad! I picking my nose again!"

We were at the Seaman's after church. Scott asked his dad if he could borrow some gym shorts. Jake turned immediately to me and said, accent and all, "Chancho... I need to borrow some sweats!"

Jake at church: I am really thirsty. I have lots of thirsties. Like infinity thirsties!

We are sort of trying to potty train Alisa. She was on the potty tonight and so was I, trying to show her how to go. She said, "Mama... purple poo-poo? No, Yisa (Alisa) purple poo-poo. Mama boo (blue) poo-poo!" Wha?!

We were riding in our car (which is quite a sight, let me tell you, with three car seats across the back seat of our four door sedan). Brooklyn started screaming. Jake covered his ears and started yelling, "turn it off!" over and over. Nice coping skills. Alisa said, "Baby cwying!" then proceeded to make up her own little song with these amazing lyrics: baby cwying, baby cwying, baby cwying... even in those stressful moments she makes up songs.

Here are some pictures. Hopefully I'll get back on the blogging train soon!

Brookie with cousin, Treston. What a hunk! 18 lbs. at 4 months. :) He is such a smiler!
Lake Mary sunset
Josh with Treston (aka Big Red--the little hair he has is red!)
My mama and dad
Junk food at the lake.

FHE with G&G Crane, Josh, Tarah, and Treston
Sleeping on Aunt Kelsi
Big shoes to fill? And yes, Jonas, somehow we got away with your undies...
Their favorite game: Trap Alisa in the laundry basket. She is Tai Lung (Kung Fu Panda).

First bath. After two weeks. Definitely a third child.

Pony tails
Jake all decked out for church
Blue eyes
With Grandma Seaman

What a sweetie!


Kristi said...

Cute pics!!! I love the thirsty comment from Jake;)
Ya.... so, sorry for not calling you - things have been CrAzY! But I have bows for you from Jen so I will give them to your momma and you can get them Labor day.. right?
How did the move go???

Colleen said...

Even though I've seen lots of you guys the last month, I still love to read your blog. Those kids are so fun and funny. No duds in this family! Lively and bright as can be! I'm sure Brooklyn will be the same.

Caleb and Jenni said...

I am in love with your kids and I cannot wait to see them so soon! Hooray!

Melanie said...

She's so dang cute!!! It feels like my baby is so big now. I love the infant stage..its just too short. :D

AshleyS said...

darling pictures! its weird drving past your empty house!

Jacqui said...

How did I miss this blog post? I feel so ripped! It's been on here for days...and I've been missing you...and here are these pictures, floating out on the internet all along. :)

SO cute! I cannot wait to see your Brookie and cute little munchkins. THis makes me think that we CAN do LP together, Al. Even w/out the hubbies. My girls will be good helpers!