Monday, August 10, 2009


I thought I'd fill in on the move. Thanks to my wonderful brother, we had a smooth move. He drove the moving truck, I drove the girls, Scott and Jake drove the mobile dental clinic, and we made it! Scott and Josh unloaded boxes, we called in Scott's uncle and cousin to help move the piano in, then sent Josh on his way. Thank you for helping us!

We love our house and the community pool and rec center (and the fishing pond). The only bummer is that our landlord has a cat and two dogs. I didn't even think to ask. I am so allergic to cats and that first day was absolutely killer. I thought I might die. I lost my voice and had about 2 seconds between each sneeze for a few hours. It was AWEFUL. Since then, we've washed and vacuumed everything we could, and I am doing much better. A Claritin a day is helping, too.

We survived church yesterday! That's about how I feel every Sunday. I love church, but sometimes it's hard with such little ones. We sat behind "the cousins we've never met" as Jake calls them (Scott's cousins kids). Jake was so happy to have someone his age that understood his obsession with Transformers. There just happened to be another little 4 year old behind us, so the three of them were in little boy heaven.

There was one point that Jake needed to go potty, so Scott went out with him. Alisa decided she really needed to go potty, too, so I went out with babe in arms and Alisa in tow. It was quite tricky getting Alisa's diaper off and putting her on the potty without dipping her dress, then taking her off the pot, putting back on the diaper, and washing hands--all with a babe in arms. We had one minor incidence involving babe's head bumping into the stall wall. Besides that, I felt so successful. It's funny how those seemingly small things are great accomplishments.

I am so grateful for Scott's cousins. It's so nice to already know someone here. His aunt and uncle brought us dinner one night, some brought us brownies last night, and we have a play date today with Jake's new buddy, Cash. Yea for friends. Jake was so sad to leave his new friends at church and go home with just us. I think the upheaval is finally catching up to him. He's been having more meltdowns lately.

Alisa is potting training, unfortunately for us. Well, I know in the end it'll be great, but it is my least favorite part of parenthood. Ever. But, of necessity, we started it. She started pooping and putting her hand down her diaper to feel it, pulling out poopie fingers and then wiping her eyes or whatever itched. She also started taking off her poopie diaper and leaving it wherever it was, coming to us with nasty bum. Ew. So, it starts. She's pooped in the little potty twice and in her underwear twice. It's so gross. She's also had some pee-pee accidents on a chair cushion, the carpet, and the hard floor a few times, as well as her undies. Jake even reverted and peed on the carpet once. I was fuming at that. I actually had a time out for myself. Anyhow, things are okay, as long as we remember to watch her like a hawk and take her little potty to the room we are in.

Brooke has started pooping more regularly, if you wanted to know. She went 5 days without, then another 3 or 4, etc. She has a really hard time and is mostly screaming because of it. When she doesn't have that or gas, she is a sweet and happy baby. I can't wait for these next few weeks to pass, because usually the gas does, too and I will have a happy baby most of the time! She does know night from day, and sleeps usually from 10-3:30 or 4. I am so grateful for that.

Lastly, Jake had a sweet prayer yesterday: Thank you we could be together as a family. Please help us to be happy, thank you that we could eat this delicious food, and please bless us to serve one another.

Awesome. I love those thoughtful prayers. Plus, four different adults told us that he was a great singer yesterday in Primary. He loves to sing. I'm glad he's still uninhibited and so innocent.


A said...

How old is Alisa now? My twins are 19 months and we just bought a potty. We haven't shown it to them yet but we know its getting close to the time. We are moving in a week and we want to wait until we are moved into our new place before we even think about this! Congrats on the successful church potty break. Its all about survival at church, and I sometimes wonder if Ill ever get to concentrate on the sacrament again

Kristin said...

i don't know if you'll even meet these guys, but a family from our ward up here is moving to show low in the next 2 weeks. They're the Holladays. Leslie has a beautiful voice and their little Bentley is the cutest little boy ever (except yours, of course!) Keep an eye out for them. :) they make GREAT friends. :)

Heidi said...

Gotta love the potty training stories! Sorry about the cat hair. Me and my son are totally allergic too. Glad you guys are getting settled.

Jacqui said...

Oh, Al! First off, will you PLEASE insert Exlax at the end of your second line? PLEASE! Lol

Cat hair. I will share this with the kids because they have been BEGGING us for a cat. Even though we're allergic, they think we can manage. I told them no one will ever come see us again if we get one.

Good job with the multi-tasking! It is truly amazing how the small things are the biggest accomplishments. If I can finish all of my laundry, I give myself a gold star! (I've only ever received one. Once. Haha.)

Potty training. GAG. I hate it. One more to go for us and we are done. I don't think Babe is going to give us too many problems. She's taken off her poopies a few times lately. IT's funny, though. I just don't care anymore if I have to wash stuff down or whatever. Probably because I'm not dealing with a new baby or hormones with this two-year-old! Good luck. Yuck. Poopy underwear are the WORST!

Jake. We miss that kid. Cute prayer.

Okay, let's do Lake Powell. We can do this! We are SUPER MOMS!!!

Melissa Zuber said...

I so glad to hear that you are doing the same things as me. There are days where I just want to sit down and cry or laugh, I can't decide, but then I don't have the time to do it. Good luck with potty training, that is exactly what Hannah did when we were potty-training her. She loved to touch her poo and make art on the walls. I would dry-heave while I cleaned it. I got your comment, thank you for the upliftment. It made my day!As I stuffed my face with cookies!

Carleton & Robyn said...

Congrats on the move. What a sweet story. What a sweet prayer. You are a good mom. Good luck on the potty training.

brandonm said...

So good to hear your move went well. We just moved too, and it is stressful in the extreme. We are slowly deboxing things, but it takes forever. Thank goodness we aren't trying to potty train too! Good luck, you guys!

Nicole Palmer said...

Hey! Jake is seriously the funniest kid EVER!!! I love your posts about him. Also we are going to be in Taylor on Labor Day Monday soo if you're around I would love to see you & catch up. Email me if your interested: