Sunday, September 13, 2009

Sentimental? ME? (and more Lake Powell)

Tonight I am missing my California friends, ward, beach, Disneyland... It's the first time I have really felt sad about leaving. I am normally not at all sentimental or nostalgic, but tonight I just miss everyone. We had such a fun time with all the other students and everything. Thinking about you guys tonight.

So, here are the rest of the Lake Powell pictures. Most of them, anyway. We had so much fun! Then three weeks later we went again with the Seaman's. We are spoiled. I am missing family tonight, too. I am a mess! I must need some sleep.

Alisa was so good both weeks to go poop on the potty, especially the second week. Somehow, though, traveling so much made her digress in her potty training (ya think?!). She's getting back into it... slowly. 

Have I mentioned that she RARELY if EVER takes off this princess nightgown? She is in LOVE with the princesses and insists on wearing this all day, most days. I peel it off every week to give it a good wash. Good pick, Grandma Seaman!
Olivia and Jake disappeared into the "hole" of the houseboat and came out looking great.
What a doll. Scott just captured her beautiful blue eyes.
Jake and Alisa hit the tubes big time. They loved it! Alisa feels the need for speed. Quote of the week: Need faster! This applied to the tube, the wave runner, the boat, the knee board. She didn't want to quit.
There were these great islands that we swam around and climbed on. Here's Grammy and Ash.
Grammy, Ash, Jake, Shell, and Eth. Woot!
Alisa caught this huge, nasty fish with her princess fishing pole. The kids LOVED fishing and they were not at all freaked out to touch and play with this fish. Ew.
Here I am with Alisa saying faster! My arms got so tired! It's much easier to ride inside.
Ash and Jake
Ash and Liv loved the knee board. Jake and Alisa rode it, too. 
Alisa trying it out.
Thanks, Crane's, for a great trip! I am trying to catch up on the pictures, so more to come of my beautiful sister getting married (in two weeks!), her showers, more Lake, and in between...

p.s. anyone tried the newer version of this blogger thingy? I am not loving it. It's the reason all my pictures are messed up. Bug!


Amanda said...

i need an invite

It's Jared...if you hadn't gathered that already.

Colleen said...

Thanks, Seaman's for letting Scott bring the knee board and small tubes. They were definitely the hit with the kids. Guess we're going to have to replace our lost ones. fun times!

Jacqui said...

I agree, the kneeboard and small tube were fabulous! Thanks!

Mom, we'll get a kneeboard, and we're also going to get some little skis (oh, how in the heck do you spell it?) for the kids to use next year.

Ali--we miss you, too. Every day! You really did capture those blue eyes of my babe. So sweet. Great times. Next year I won't be such a stress ball (hold me to that, okay). Yay for Powell!

PS I need your pics. And I love that you are being nostalgic.

AshleyS said...

we miss you here too. just yesterday we were driving home past your old house and wes and i said it will be weird when new people move in b/c that's your house!