Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Thankful for what?! and other Funnies

Jake's prayer for a few days has gone like so:

Thank you we can be together as a family. Help us do exactly the same thing as Heavenly Father and Jesus. Help us do exactly the same thing as dad and mom. Help us do exactly the same thing as Jake and Alisa (Brooke is always left out! I think he means obey or do what is right, but I am not sure.). He closed his prayer in the name of Jesus Christ, then added:

Thank you for my bad thoughts, because sometimes I have bad thoughts.

I almost died laughing! I started picking up the black beans Alisa dropped on the floor to hide my convulsions. He went on to explain his bad thoughts:

Like sometimes I want to rip off all my sheets and blankets and jump on my bed, or pull off my mattresses to make a slide, or climb up on the windows...

I'm pretty sure he meant to ask for help with those bad thoughts. We were dying of laughter.

Alisa's latest excuse for not doing what we say--I'm weawy cold!

She also requested the "gloria" song in the car today. She sang along to most of the words to Angels From the Realms of Glory (Angels we have heard on high). She also loves the Nutcracker thanks to Barbie in the Nutcracker. She is very 2 and threw a HUGE fit the other day because we had to go get Jake from preschool and she spied her bowl of soggy Cheerios from three hours earlier that she just had to eat right then. Ah, the joys. And yes, she really does eat her soggy cereal three hours later. Nasty.

While I was making dinner, I cooked some broccoli for the kids to snack on (appetizers... that's when I get the veggies in). They ate and ate and asked for more. They barely touched their butternut squash soup (killer recipe found at so I voiced my complaint to Scott. They haven't even touched their soup. All they've eaten is broccoli!

Thanks, Scott, for pointing out that there are far worse things that could happen. Genius.


A said...

Thats so funny, my girls LOVE broccoli, and hate everything else

Ren, Anna, & Tristan said...

Jake's prayer is hilarious!! And I can't believe you were without power for that long. That is horrible!!!

Heidi said...

Jake cracks me up! Hope you guys are staying warm now!

Jacqui said...

Seriously, that KID! I love the ripping all the sheets off bad thought. Or making a slide out of his mattress. Oh, you MUST keep recording the things he says and does. Toooooo funny.


PS Loved talking with you today! Miss you...

Carleton & Robyn said...

Funny broccoli comment and I loooooved the bad thoughts prayer. Doesn't everybody have those thoughts where you want to rip off your sheets and jump on your bed?

Camille said...

Jake's prayer makes me laugh every time I think about it. How do parents learn to keep a straight face? I haven't figured that one out yet. Thanks for the recipe website!