Thursday, March 18, 2010

Haircuts and Gerrard's Visit to Flag

First, some shots of the little B. She is such a stinker with a PERSONALITY. Seriously, peeps, she is and will be quite the handful. She threw a full fledged fit yesterday, complete with kicking feet and rolling around screaming. Wow, she keeps us on our toes. I should say "me" since she refuses to allow anyone else to hold her if I'm in view... including her dad. Yesterday evening I had to pop some earplugs in to keep my sanity while Scott attempted to play with her and feed her. I was just trying to cook some dinner! What a crime.

Here are the haircuts courtesy of brave Scott. I would never have attempted it. He did a pretty good job.

One side ended up a little shorter than the other. I'm sure whenever we see my sister Lisa she will go to town to trim it up.
Jake snapped this beautiful picture of me. Seriously, I look hot.
Here's me attempting to get a picture of my hair. This is the final product. Looks pretty good, eh? Way to go Scotty! He cut off 6-8 inches in some places. It's pretty short, for me. I took some front shots, but omitted them as I look like a psycho in them. Li might be dying about now, but I was impressed at Scott's "just do it" attitude.
We had a fun extended weekend. The Gerrard's came down to see us. We met in Flag and stayed at Scott's parent's house, since they were gone for spring break. It was so nice to see them and pick back up where we left off. We've lived within walking distance from them since we were married, so it's been weird to be so far apart.

We had a good time hanging out, chatting, swimming, sitting in the hot tub (nice but not relaxing with kids in, too), and eating. Well, Scott and I are on a strict diet, so we ate vicariously through them. It was a nice, relaxing few days. Can't wait to see you again, Gerrard's!

Before I forget, I'd better say that Jake and Hallie played as if they saw each other every day. Jake also had fun sword fighting with Mason. Alisa liked playing with Hallie and trading nightgowns with her. I have a feeling that in a few years, Alisa and Hallie will be doing "girl" things and Jake and Mason will hang out doing "boy" things. Weird how they separate.

Hallie said some of the sweetest prayers. She was scared of snakes and prayed to not dream about them or think about them. Jake prayed for a nice snake to come visit him. Jake and Hallie slept in the same room, which worked fine the first night. The second night we finally had to separate them around 9 pm.

Once Jake wasn't being nice to Hallie. She came and told me about it. She said, "Jake is following Satan's rules, but I am following Jesus's rules." I about died laughing.


Christy said...

Thanks again for a great trip! I don't think it could have worked out better! I am so impressed you guys did so well with your diet!

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

go scott!

Bethi said...

Lookin good! You have such beautiful hair. Looks like a ton of fun! And I love Brookie's face in the first pic. haha! What a cheeser!

Kristi said...

The haircuts are AWESOME!!! Wow Scott!

Hannah (our #3) started with crazy bad fits at 9 months... and still hasn't stopped! From what I have heard - it sounds like Brooke is a lot like her! Such a joy;) Good luck;)