Friday, March 26, 2010

Brookie Update

Well, we had a little scare with B. a few weeks ago. I took her in for a same day sick appt. and they noticed her soft spot was not indented. They measured her head (about 8 times) and decided that she jumped right off her normal growth curve. She needed a CT scan, just to make sure everything was ok.

We scheduled it, but in the meantime she got better from her cold and started acting normal again. She doesn't have any other signs of hydrocephalus so I cancelled the CT and waited until her Dr. apt. yesterday. She seems to have gone through a growth spurt. Her head is measuring the same (HUGE) but the Dr. decided it'd be fine if we just waited and watched for abnormal behavior. So... no CT scan... yet. We'll see. She's always had an enormous noggin, so I am not too worried.

9 month stats

Weight 46%
Height 46%
Head >97% (it always has been!)

Looks like she grew a little longer. Last time, she was in the 25% for height. Maybe we're slacker parents. No MRI, no CT scan. Hmm...


Ren, Anna, & Tristan said...

Hope she's ok!! Ok, your blog cracks me up. And you are amazing for staying sane with 3 kiddos, including the high-strung one. I feel like a wimp because sometimes I can't handle Tristan. How the heck am I ever going to have more?? Your hair is beautiful by the way!

Heidi said...

She looks happy as can be. Hope everyting turns out O.K., though. Bransen always had a huge head when he was little, but grew into it around age 4... and it's abnormally HARD. We think he'll make a great football player.