Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Joining the Blogging World

Well, I am finally joining the world of blogging! I used to think it was a very impersonal way to stay in touch with other poeple's lives. Now I think it is a good way to remember my own! Yes, that's right. I think with my two labors lasting 36 hours each, I have killed essential brain cells. So, this will be my journal of all the exciting things that happen to me at home with my hubby and kiddos. Yippee!

I'm just figuring this picture thing out. Jake was having a VERY whiny morning. On a whim, I decided to make play dough. It was a sanity-saver! He loved it. We had a lot of fun making Nemo, Marlin, Dori, Bruce the Shark, and a whale.

The last pictures are of our little mover. Alisa started in her seat, unbuckled, and ended where she is in the picture. She must've rolled right out when I wasn't looking.

In the second one, I came out from putting Jake down for a nap, and she was ready to show me her culinary skills! She is rolling all over the place now. It's dangerous on the floor as Jake likes to jump over her. Today I was watching Hallie, my friend's 21 month old, and Alisa starts screaming. It turns out Hallie, following Jake's lead, tried to jump over her and instead landed right on her! I'd better watch them more closely!


Jacqui said...

So cute! I cannot believe I have not met your little Alisa Renee! I am SO looking forward to November when we will see each other again. I REALLY hope you guys plan a trip to UT in December, too. We miss you! We are already planning trips to Cali, so I hope that is okay!! So cute! I need to join the Blogger world. I just hate the word "blog." Ugh! Like frog or log or snog or blah...but, it's a great way to stay in touch! Love ya!

Jason said...

Ali and Scott, what great pictures and you are right Ali, this is a great way to have a journal and keep track of everything. I am just not ambitious enough right now to do that too. Maybe we can find a digital camera and I can get Melanie to start doing it instead. Hope all is well.

Colleen said...

That baby is so stinking cute!