Friday, August 8, 2008

Sorry for the lack of pictures. How 'bout a conversation instead?

Me: Jakey, are you getting married someday? (after talking about Scott's sister getting married)
J: Yep. I'm gonna marry Jonas!
Me: Jonas! You can't marry Jonas! He's a boy. You have to marry a girl. Are there any girls you want to marry?
J: Yep! How 'bout Jonas?
Me: A girl, Jake! Who are some girls you could marry?
J: (whining)But I want to marry Jonas!

Oh, Jonas. How Jake LOVES you!


Melissa said...

Don't worry, when I was three I was SO sure I was going to marry Bambi.

Jacqui said...

That is hilarious.

Nicole Palmer said...

LOL LOL LOL that kid kills me!!!!! Sooooo funny!!!