Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Laughs from Jake

At Disneyland:

I don't NEED to go on the airplane ride! (Soarin' over California) I already goed two times ago... I will go when I am 5. That's why I'll go on the one with the scary monster! (Matterhorn)

This is Jake's standard: when I am five. When he's feeling brave, he says he is five. Where'd he come up with that?

To Alisa one morning:

We are staying here Saturday and Thursday and Saturday and Thursday! That's a lot of days!

Every day so far:

Are we staying at the hotel today? Can we go back to the hotel today? (He loves it!)

Alisa's new thing is to do something, followed by a grand "Ta-da!" It's really cute! She loves to close herself into this tiny closet here and when she gets the door open (she can barely reach the handle) she comes out with a triumphant "Ta-da!" in her high-pitched voice. So cute!

She also has quite the personality lately--teasing, laughing and keeping up with Jake--it's hilarious!

1 comment:

Kristi said...

So sweet! Jake is such a funny guy! That is really cute about Alisa and the Ta-DA!!
I am glad you guys got to do that fun vacation! Wonderful!!!!