Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Shout out to the Birthday Girl and Boy... A Little Late!

Well, it's about time I gave a shout out to my fabulous sister-in-law, Kelsi. She is the sunshine of the family! This picture captures her contagious attitude. She is always, always upbeat, happy, and shining! She has non-stop energy and is so sweet and innocent and fun to be with! If you're ever feeling down, she is the one you want to hang out with. Lots of hugs--that's Kelsi! Happy 15!

Happy Birthday (late) to my hubby! He thought that we might be the same age this year. Sorry, honey, but you will always be the baby of the family! Ha, ha. Really, though, you can't ever catch up--except that you're soooo mature! I love you because you make me feel beautiful, make me laugh, and love our kids. You work hard and you are deee besssst, Nacho. Happy 28th!


Jacqui said...

Oh, your posts make me want to go on a vacation. I am so glad you're sharing your fun!

I can't believe how old and pretty Kelsi is getting. Such a cutie!

Linda said...

Hahaha! Gosh you crack me up Ali! Hahaha :) Thanks. I love you!