Thursday, January 8, 2009

For Jacqui and Jeff

Why are we posting these lovely pictures? They remind us of the night you two spent two HOURS at our computer horsing around. Wish you were here.

(This may not look funny, but in Honduras and Brazil it's a pretty typical look in family portraits.)

Scary how easy it is to entertain yourself on a Thursday night with the Mac. We heart our Mac. go Mac. We love you, Mac. 


Jacqui said...

You KNOW I am laughing out loud right now. I love that last one--hilarious. You look like Jay Leno (poor guy!).

Eth just walked in and said, "Is that Ali? Is she funny?"

That really was a fun time at your house. We laughed so hard that night! Wish we could afford a Mac--if nothing else for the entertainment value in it. HAHA!!

Miss you guys!

Laura Mc said...

Love it. Love reading your blog. Always good for a laugh.

Kristi said...

I love the last one - that is hilarious!

Colleen said...

I can see how it would entertain you. I'm cracking up.

megan said...

I love the pictures! I think the last one is pretty hilarious between you and Scott's faces! Also- your Christmas's looked like so much! Fun to have so much fam around and congrats to your parents for their amazing weight loss! That is awesome! And was the snow so great up there? We thought of you and your snow as it rained on Christmas in Phoenix!

JLJ said...

Yes, that last one is the best. I love that Scott is looking at you like, 'who is this crazy lady?'

My Spouse will feel closer to you knowing you are Mac owners. He is trying to convert the world, one lonely PC user at a time.