Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Messes and a Scripture

OK, I am a proponent of natural peanut butter. I think it's a good idea not to add the hydrogenated fat and sugar (duh!). Still, the container makes it seem so easy to "simply stir" the natural separation of oil and peanut butter that occurs. Wrong. It is a workout that takes the better part of 20 minutes to do, makes a HUGE mess, and leaves me wondering if it's really worth it. What you don't see in this picture is the globs of pb on the table. Lovely. But you get the idea...
Here's our little pumpkin enjoying her little macaroni with spaghetti sauce. Yum! She totally ate it up. If you have leftover zucchini from your garden, which you are bound to if you have a garden here in Cali, steam and blend it or just grate it, then freeze. I threw in frozen grated zucchini from last year and Jake never knew he was getting a healthy dose of veggies in his sauce. (Inspiration came from the cookbook Deceptively Delicious--check it out, but not from our library. I have it!)

I was reading Jake a story while he ate some wheat thins. He started chewing on one and said, "Wait just a minute." He chewed a bit, swallowed, then said, "Ok, now it's not too loud!"

We were driving and Jake must've been hot because he informed us that he had a "beaver." A fever, Jake? "Yes, I have a beaver." 

A couple of months ago we had an FHE lesson on this scripture, and memorized it as a family. Since then, at very random times, Jake will quote it. Today was one of the random times, and I had him do it for the camera. Pretty good for a little guy! Thanks for the action ideas, Jacqui!

Here's Alisa clapping and waving. Today she repeatedly waved and said bye bye when we left the park. So sweet!


Jacqui said...

Great post. Love the random funniness. He has a beaver--hahaha! I can't wait to squeeze that little guy so he'll tell me to "stop it!"

Great job on the scripture. Isn't it a great one. Go Jaker! And Alisa--such a puddin' pie!

Ashley said...

I totally know about the peanut butter. I broke down and bought Skippy last time...not worth it. The natural stuff is better-tastes better and makes you feel better too. So keep stirring.

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali..I know you don't know me. Scott is my 2nd cousin. Les & my dad are cousins. I came across your blog and was excited to see "Seaman". Were you guys at the reunion last year in Cedar? Anyway, it is fun to come across a relative.

Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

We usually have both kinds of PB in our house. The natural is for sandwiches. The skippy is "dessert PB" to eat with chocolate. Because, really, how often is dessert healthy anyway?

So, I always thought that the grocery store should have something like a paint shaker for PB. Or why don't they mix it for you and store it in the refrigerated section? There might be a little separation, but it would be way better than having to go through the gooey mess of stirring it yourself.