Thursday, March 6, 2008


Jake's sick. He's had a fever off-and-on for about a week. Stayed home from church. He now has goopy eyes that look like pink eye. Alisa has a fever. She's had a runny, stuffy nose for a few days. We are laying low. I am reading Life of Pi and CANNOT put it down! It took me two weeks to get to page 85 but now it is so intense. Gotta go read it. Bye.


Mamie said...

Hi Ali! I just found your blog through Mary's blog and voila- history reconnects itself. I hope your little darlings are feeling better. As for me, we are now expecting #2. You can visit us at
BTW- Life of Pi is such a stunning book- definitely a favorite. Nice to see you again...sort of...i guess in a kind of stalker sort of way. Hmmm- you get the point.
Love, Mamie

Jacqui said...

Ethan has a fever, too! That's what we get from going to nursery, I swear. We've kept him out most of the winter, but the times we've sent him, he ends up SICK. Our bish, who's a ped. doc gave us the okay to keep the babies at home, so why we didn't do just that is beyond me. DUH! I hope Jake feels better quickly. Ethan's sporting 102 and is lethargic. Poor boys.

Ashley said...

OOH, that book is awesome. The first third is definitely a little slow. But let me know what you think when you get done. Adam and I both loved that book.