Friday, March 7, 2008

Pink Eye

Before I forget, can I just say that Jake is Obsessed with sword fighting? Everything imaginable is a sword. Sticks, sword fight. Bowling pins, sword fight. Carrot sticks, sword fight. Utensils (any), sword fight. Cantaloupe rind, sword fight. You get it. I am usually Peter Pan, as Jake prefers to be Captain Hook. 

The bad news is that Jake has pink eye(s). Both of them. The good news is that now he is past the contagious part of it, so the doctor says. He LOVED going to the doctor because he got a sucker and got to pick some stickers. The doctors and nurses laughed when he picked the Disney princess stickers! No surprise to me. He also wanted pink shoes and loves my make up. Too much mommy influence! 
Here's Alisa with her beloved Zebra. She gets so excited when we give it to her in the crib, and always promptly bites its face. 
Jake with the beloved Diego bandaid. He claims he got it for Christmas from Grandma! (He thinks most things he got for Christmas or his birthday. Even yesterday at the dr. he was reading a book from the office and told them he got it for his birthday. Almost swiped it, too!)
Alisa and her beloved bottle. She is down to nursing one time a day (mornings only). Thanks for the cute jammies, Jenni.

Jake being sick with Grandma.
Here's a view from Redlands, back by a friend's house. Gorgeous!


Jacqui said...

Is Linda there? Sorry Jaker has pink eye. yuckola. no fun. eth just barfed all over his room. chunky, curdled milk on his matress and carpet. ugh. right in the middle of miss liza nursing. ugh. gotta love it!

Jacqui said...

love the pics, by the way. showed mr. eth and he said, "it's jakey? it's jakey?" it'll be so fun for them to play together in a couple of weeks!

Haynes Family said...

Ali!! I was so excited to hear from you. I'm so glad Mary found you. I love your blog and your two kids are so adorable! I love that we can stay in touch now and see what's going on with you and your family!! :)

Anonymous said...

Pink eye is NOOO fun! I am sorry that your kids are sick, it makes for long days! Beautiful pictures of the outdoors that you posted! Is that by where you live?