Thursday, February 26, 2009

Captain(s) Underpants

Jake got some new undies. Spiderman and Friends undies. He is so thrilled. If he is misbehaving, we just have to take away some of his new undies and he is golden again. Alisa was thrilled, too. She ran around with a pair in her hands saying, "Pants, mama!" until I put them on her. 

My parents sent some Valentine's money so I took the kids to the store and they picked out these sunglasses. Jake's are Spiderman and he LOVES them!

Scott was trying to get some piano time in before the kids went to bed. Poor guy. Jake wouldn't leave him alone and decided to dress him up while he was playing. 

Scott told me a funny story this morning. He was outside the dental school. A lady and her 15 year old daughter came out of the pediatric office. The lady saw him and said, "Hold on!!! This is not my only daughter! I have older ones, just for you!" Well, Scott politely declined the match-making offer, informing her he was married with two kids and a third on the way. Ha! I thought it was hilarious! What a hottie!

Jake climbed into my bed this morning (after running wild around the house in his undies) to inform me that he has a "crockroach in my froat." I guess he had a frog in his throat. He later forgot to tell dad, and insisted on calling him to leave a message that he had the crockroach in the froat. Nice.

He has also become a bit panicked about the toothbugs. If I say it's time to brush, he ALWAYS starts panicking: "Hurry, mom! The toothbugs! They are getting my teeth! Hurry, hurry!" What a silly.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

How I miss those sweet childhood moments, but glad I can live them again vicariously through my grand kids!