Tuesday, February 24, 2009

First Haircut

I decided it was time to stimulate some growth, so we buzzed Alisa!

Ha, ha, just kidding. I did trim the two little locks of hair that hung down about 2 inches. It looks much better. And I trimmed up Jake's hair--just the sides and kept the length. We had fun watching Enchanted while we did it. 

Alisa post haircut. I thought she was being so cute until I realized those were pennies she was sucking on! Gross... and dangerous. Mommy of the Year here. No wonder she looks so smug. She has such a funny personality!
Side view.
Back view. Look at those cute curls. I hope they stay. Wish I had one... even a little wave would be nice.
Jake just lounging.
Speaking of Alisa's personality, here are some funnies from her lately. She's become quite the copycat.

  • She has learned to follow her brother's example and zest for nakedness, and pulls off her clothes, running around saying "nakie." She thinks it's especially funny when I try to get clothes back on her. She trots/hobbles/skips away yelling "no, nakie!" Nice.
  • She has caught on to Jake's latest obsession with Spiderman, and points and says "Spi-ah-man" when she sees one.
  • We were in the kitchen the other week and she was doing something she thought was pretty great. All of the sudden, she busts out with "awesome!" as clear as could be. I didn't know she even knew that word. 
  • I took Jake into Scott's school to go pee-pee, and she enthusiastically ran to the other stall, stood (boy-style) next to the toilet, and repeated "pee-pee, too, mama! pee-pee, too!" Poor girl. You can't go standing up. I tried when I was five. It didn't work.
  • She plays this little game of hitting and immediately wrapping her little arms (and big hands--really, take a closer look. She has huge hands!) around our necks and quickly saying, "sorry" which sounds like "sah-ie, sah-ie, sah-ie." It's funny, except for the hitting. She's started doing it for other things. I was trying to get her to give me a bite of granola bar in church (I know, pathetic. But I was hungry!) and she refused. I tried to act all hurt and pouty. She quickly put her arms around my neck and said, "sahie, sahie, sahie." She still didn't give me a bite.


Katie said...

Here I thought Jake was saying "I love you" in sign language...when he was really trying to shoot out a spidey web from his fingers.

Jacqui said...

I remember trying to pee standing up with you. We kind of made it work by totally straddling the pot, didn't we? It was better than when we would both straddle the pot and sit together.

Glad you cut the tail on Alisa. Haha. What about ponies, though?

Colleen said...

wow. I can't believe all the curl Alisa has! What amazing cuties! Are you going to blog about Scott's white coat ceremony? I'd like to hear about it one way or another.

Kristi said...

It is funny how we want what we don't have! I always wanted your straight hair.... ;)

Nicole Palmer said...

You are BRAVE to cut your kids hair yourself!! They look good!! I really like Alisa's hair - super cute!!