Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Quote of the Day

Today Jake took my grocery list, folded it up, stuck it down his shirt, and said, "They got married instead."

It took me a minute to realize that he was QUOTING Nacho Libre. I was cracking up. I have to admit I felt a little... proud. Ha! He's only seen it once (minus the wrestling scenes because we thought violence might ensue) but has asked to see it every day since then. Yep, he has arrived!

On another note, this week has brought on a slight fear of the dark, although if we are all together, he likes to play "Ghost" and turn out all the lights and run around the front room. Still, he actually came out of bed tonight (this hasn't happened in about a year) and complained that a noise was waking him up. It was a cricket. Whether it was in or outside, I am not sure. Still, a cricket scared him. He didn't want the door shut so I sat by him (with door shut still--I'm so mean!) for a few minutes. How strange. He has never had a night light or anything like that. 

While I sat there, I enjoyed Alisa wrapping and unwrapping a blanket around herself in the crib, playing peek-a-boo with herself, singing parts of the Darth Vador Theme Song, ABC's, Twinkle, Twinkle, and Yo ho yo ho a Pirate's Life for Me. She was cracking me up. 

Lastly, the Dr. office called to say I have placenta previa, and need another ultrasound. I have a dr. appointment in a couple of days. I don't think it's any big deal, since I have to have a c-, but we'll see. Maybe this time that darned lady-like girl will uncross her legs so we can be 100% sure that she is not a he...

Okay, really the last thing is dinner tonight. YUM. If you are looking for something effortless and healthy, try this! Thank you, Jen, for the great recipe! I actually used quinoa since I didn't have couscous, (rinsed and cooked it first) and stuffed 3 huge peppers. I sprayed my crockpot with PAM and cooked it on the 6 hour setting for about 4 hours. It turned out great. Scott got out some tortilla chips and avacado for the kids, and they loved scooping it up and eating it on chips. Jake even said, "Mom, I love this dinner!" How often do I hear that?! Never.


AshleyS said...

that reminds me, i was doing dishes yesterday and alisa stood next to me and hummed some songs while i was working. i was laughing b/c i was thinking maybe she sees you singing or humming while you clean your kitchen. it was pretty cute. i'm glad you get another ultrasound, but let me know about the placenta previa.

Jennifer said...

I'm so glad you like that meal! Tasty, healthy, and easy. Can't go wrong with that combo. Happy weekend. xoxoxo Jenn