Saturday, February 28, 2009


Latest from Jake:

During a prayer: And thank you that we can share our toys, and share all the glory...

Today I hoed the garden area. I don't have seeds to plant, but the overtaking of the weeds was really getting to me and since it was in the 80's today, I decided to work outside. Point being, I really tired myself out. So while Scott was off taking the written part of his Boards Exam part 2 (he feels ok about it), I put on a movie and tried to nap. When Scott came home he asked Jake where I was. Jake looked down, then away, and slyly said, "She went to Target." What? Target? So Scott asked where Alisa was. "She is in the car at Target with mom." Hmm. That boy!


Cambrienelson said...

I always enjoy reading about what funny things Jake is doing.

Juls said...

Are you planting a garden? I thought this was it for your schooling there!

Benji said...

Jake cracks me up! Share the glory? Brilliant!

JLJ said...

Ha! Jake totally ratted you out for all the times you left him home alone to go to Target! Busted!