Friday, April 23, 2010


Today from Jake:

When I get old and they (the girls) make a mess, I will say no, no don't clean up! Keep the mess and we will watch movies and play computer all day long!

Anybody want a babysitter in a few years? He'll be ready for hire in about 2017...


Cambrienelson said...


I love the prayers below. I'm glad Kiera isn't the only one who prays for princesses.

ps we are moving to the house 2 houses down around the corner from where you used to live.

Mindy and Marty said...

I'd hire him. now. ha
can you wait though when you really CAN leave him to sit, free sitters!

Caleb and Jenni said...

All my training finally paid off! I knew he would learn to be a good baby sitter someday. :)

Heidi said...

Sounds like he'll be the "fun" babysitter when he grows up!