Sunday, July 20, 2008

Great Day!

Welp, just in case you were wondering, I am having a great day! I normally lead the music for the primary kids (age 3-12) on Sundays, but today I got to be pianist AND lead. Yep, for awhile we didn't have a pianist so I did both. It was really fun and had to be casual, since I was alone for a bit. I am so grateful my mom MADE me take piano lessons. I really should make time to practice, since we have a piano and I really need it! Anyway, the kids are fun and crazy and sweet. I love our big primary!

On Friday we dropped the kids off at Devin and Christy's (THANK YOU!) and went to the temple. It was really nice because we took a little nap before hand and I was really able to focus and feel the love and peace of God.  I feel so blessed to live in this time, when the gospel of Jesus Christ and his Church and authority have been restored on the earth. When we went to pick the kids up, Christy had dinner for us there (so nice!) and we got to chat a bit while our kids played until way past their bedtime!

I recently finished reading The Hiding Place by Corrie ten Boom and have been thinking a lot about what it really means to love your neighbor and turn the other cheek. The author and her sister were such powerful examples of love and faith in Jesus Christ. I can't even begin to imagine the hate they experienced and yet they forgave and loved the hater. They spread the message of love and hope in Jesus. They felt more sorry for the one abusing than for being abused themselves. Why is it so hard today to do the same, when the offenses don't compare and are (usually) so minor? I don't feel like I have the hugest problem being offended, but I think I tend to pre-judge, to jump to conclusions about others' characters, which seems to make it harder to truly love others (for me, anyway). 

And then I keep asking myself: If I truly do love other people, why am I not trying to share the gospel with them more freely? Why not share the message that Christ loves us so much, he continues to guide us through a prophet, just like those of old? He hasn't stopped speaking because he wants to help US in OUR day. It's so amazing yet seems so hard to share with others. 

So, I am trying to more easily converse about my beliefs and my personal feelings about Jesus Christ. I feel like we come from an emotionally closed society. We don't hug, kiss on the cheek, etc. (especially those we just met!). We don't share our tender, innermost feelings with just anyone. In fact, we share them with very few, even those we are closest to. Am I just speaking for myself? I think we don't like to feel exposed and vulnerable, but it's healthy to. 

Your thoughts?


Caitlin said...

Hey Ali...I would like to be able to see your blog after you go private if its alright.

Kristi said...

I couldnt agree more. I have been trying so hard to be more open and share things with everyone and sometimes people look at me like I am crazy!!!
It is awesome when your kids bring it up though because they are cute and put people more at ease. Like when Em asked a boy at Target why he wasn't reverent and didn't he go to primary - i got to have a little convo with the Mom about our church - it was great. I guess I just have to get my kids to open their mouths more often!
Besides that - I am a hugger and I feel like I should belong in a country where they greet with kisses on the cheek - -I love going to the spanish branch cause I just feel like everyone loves me there, it is just their nature...
OK - this was a novel - sorry! But I am excited that you gave me a new book idea! I wil have to read it!

Lori said...

Ali, I loved what you wrote. I think I am the same way many times... getting offended or hurt because of unintentional (or intentional) things and having a hard time letting it go for a while. And I totally agree-- since being married and trying to make more married couple friends, I've found that it's so difficult to know how to dig deeper and build more meaningful relationships. One thing that Allen's helped me learn is to be honest about your faults. It seems to help, because others realize that you're not perfect... so maybe we can be friends! :) Anyway, thank you for this. I love reading your blog. It makes me think, and lots of times it makes me crack up! :)

PLEASE add me to your email "invites."