Wednesday, July 30, 2008

I know, I know, third time's a charm...

Here I am posting for the third time today. I must be bored. I am about to start a book (to say nothing of the dog), and just started a different one last night (cry, the beloved country), but I went surfing a little and look at the cutest thing I found. How adorable! 

Check out this blog for more cute things you can order. I have been thinking about a permanent job chart for Jake. I think he'd really like it. There are other great chore charts and aprons and signs here. Fun stuff! Don't say you've never surfed...


Anonymous said...

cute stuff! Yes, I surf too!

Camille said...

It's naptime and I am surfing instead of finishing laundry, dishes, etc. Could you add my email when your blog goes private? Thanks!

Andy & Jen said...

funny, those are bith my niece and nephew's names and totally spelled the same way! so cute, i must buy! i'm telling andy it's your fault! haha

Andy & Jen said...

FUNNY STORY! I just e-mailed my sister and sent her the link because I thought she'd love to get these for her kids since those are their names. She just called me back laughing because she ordered those from that blogger and I guess the lady put the pics up of all 5 of her kids job charts she ordered! small world isn't it!