Friday, July 25, 2008

Sad, Sad Day

I tried to get some good pictures, but these don't really capture it... Read on, Lizzy! (name that movie... it's my favorite!)

Yesterday I almost lost it and broke down in tears. We were at a Pioneer Day Celebration at the park and all was going well. Right at dusk, Jake and a friend were playing with a big bouncy ball. Our friend was throwing it high in the air and they were chasing it (you may be guessing how this ends already). Sure enough, they both went for it once, and collided. I mean, a MAJOR collision. Jake's mouth hit hard on the head of his friend. I have never heard Jake cry like that. It was awful! That's why I almost lost it. It was horrible to see and hear him in such pain and not be able to do anything to relieve it! He kept holding his teeth saying he didn't want them to fall out. 

Since it was dusk, Scott couldn't even see to check them out. I got a sickening feeling when we looked in the light and his front teeth were SHORTER and pushed back (toward his tongue). Ah! My beautiful boy! It was soooo sad. 

We called a dentist friend (who had just left before this) and asked her to take a look, which she willingly did (thank you Melinda!). She bribed him with sugar free lollipops (which worked like a charm) so she could "count" his teeth. Well, his teeth are pushed up and a little back. If they didn't hit the permanent tooth buds, they may just pop back down eventually. They could turn brown (like my little bro's tooth growing up... lovely! :) ) and either go back to normal or stay that way until they fall out. Hopefully they didn't hit the permanent tooth buds. We should take an x-ray, though, to make sure there's no damage. 

S.A.D. So for now, he is all swollen and can't eat or drink much because it hurts. He wouldn't even eat his lollipops this morning. I gave him Motrin and some Orajel (which he hated) and put him in front of a movie with an ice pack. Poor little guy! 


Caleb and Jenni said...

Ali that is so sad! Poor guy, he looks so swollen. Give him a big hug and kiss for me and tell him I hope he feels better so we can play soon in a few weeks! Love you

Jacqui said...

Oh, oh, oh! That makes my stomache turn. Poor Jakey!! Poor you! I hope he gets better soon. Give him lovies from Aunt Jacqui.


mary said...

Poor guy!!! It is so hard to watch your kids get hurt and be in pain!! The week before I had Camden, Keagan went down the waterslide at a pool and came out missing his front tooth. Major drama. We went to the dentist and found out that he had shoved it completly up into his gums!! The next day we had fun with oral surgery to remove it and he has had a fun fake tooth ever since! So sad when they get hurt!! Good luck with your little guy!!

Colleen said...

Ouch! Poor Jakey! It's hard when they are in pain and you can't do much to make it better. Josh hit his tooth on the bedpost when he and Jared were fooling around. One fell out and one filled with blood and turned black. Luckily, it was a baby tooth, but he sported that for a couple of years. Beautiful. Boys are great!

JLJ said...

OK, until a couple of months ago, I had no idea that colliding with another kid is so seriously scary and dangerous. These two 5-6 year old girls were running around and ran right into each other. One of them left unconscious in an ambulance! The other one had to get stitches! So, I'm sure poor Jake is seriously hurting. Sorry!

Kristi said...

AWWWWW! Bethi told me about this on the way to Snowflake yesterday! My heart is achey for you (and Jake of course)! I hope that the swelling goes down and it gets all better quick! He is a cutie even with a swollen up face!
I hope Scotts concert went well!

Kevin said...

Oh Ali,
I feel so bad. Jake looks so sad. I had no idea that he was hurt so badly. Will was fine just a few minutes later. I didn't even see a bump on his hard head. I hope that Jakey is feeling better. Did you get the x-rays of the adult tooth buds? Are they OK?

Anonymous said...

Ouch! Poor little guy!