Wednesday, April 2, 2008


It was beautiful spring weather in Flag. Mom on double duty, with Alisa and cousin Corban.
Dad with Alisa
Mom, Amanda (sorry, Manda) and Jake.
Alisa loved this little ride-on toy!

We had a fun Easter, despite half the family getting sick! Seriously, maybe it wasn't that great for those who got sick. I'm just glad that I somehow avoided it. It was great to be with most of my family (we missed you, Li! and Shmell, although of course you couldn't come, Chilena!).
Here's Jake with his trusty "Light Saber" that he HAD to sleep with and hold 24/7.
I showed Jake this picture, and he said the following: 
It's the princess!
She looks like Olivia.
That's MY LIGHTSABER!!! AH!!! I just do it and ah, uh, (more boy noises pretending to fight).
My whole family minus two sisters...Which ones are my bros/sisters???

Jake got really excited about his upcoming birthday, so my mom made him a cake. I'm pretty sure it was just an excuse to make this heavenly Earthquake Cake. Thanks, mom. YUMMY!


Celia Marie (W.) B. said...

These are all great pictures Ali. It's fun to see your family with families of their own!

Jennifer said...

What a fun Easter. We got my mom and dad to come up and see us this time. You look fantastic!!!!! How long of a drive is it for you to get home?

Anonymous said...

How fun to meet up with family! Where were Lisa and Michelle at? Out having fun across the world? Cute pictures of you kids!