Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Over the weekend, we had Jenni and her friends come visit. It was a really fun visit! We had a great time hanging out, playing card games, eating (of course!), and sleeping (which they were miraculously able to do even after the kids were up in the morning!). Thanks to Jen for the adorable swimsuits my kids are sporting!

Trying to get Alisa to sleep--not so fun when there's so much to see!

My first official "girlie" act with Alisa, if you don't count the bows and flower head bands on Sundays. Cute toes!

Jake was in HEAVEN! We were at the beach for 4 hours, and he ran in and out of the water for 3 1/2, then Scott took him to the slide/playground area where he spent the rest of the time! It was quite a change from last year, when he was too scared to get close to the water!

Out of order, but can we just say that Jake is in boy heaven with his new birthday bike? Thanks, Grandma Seaman! It is music to my ears not to hear a movie request 24/7! He does still request movies, but it is much less frequent. I don't really know why... most of the time I say no to the movie. Anyway, the bike gets him outside! Our favorite ride is around the block to the park, where Jake can now swing on the big boy swing (I'd say swings, but it's a bit ghetto and the other ones are broken!), play and splash in the spastic water fountain (it shoots up about 12 feet in the air), and slide on the little slides there. We make the trip frequently. He loves it!

More beach... by the pier in Oceanside.

Alisa LOVED the water! It was cold, but she thought it was great! Another adventure!

Happy Family! We need a tan, but hey! I'm not complaining about our 80-100 degree weather here. We're not missing the snow, that's for sure!!!


Nicole Palmer said...

What a FUN mom you are! You always have your family out doing cool stuff!! Super cute little family.

Jacqui said...

CUTE PICTURES! Oh, I could happily show my chub if I could be in a bathing suit right now (maybe not happily, but I would do it anyway!).

That is a super cute suit, Al. Where'd ya get it? love the wrap. I need one. I NEED it, as Jake would say.

Will you take us to the beach if we come out and see you this summer/fall?


Tobler said...

I love the beach! That looks like heaven to me!

Haynes Family said...

How beautiful! I would SO love to go to the beach right now. I'm so jealous!!
Angie :)

Lindsay said...

So cute! I would give anything for 80-100 degree weather!

Colleen said...

You might be poor (temporarily), but you can't complain about the many fun family activities you've got at the moment. How sweet would it be to have the beach so close? Way Sweet!'re living a rough life.

Colleen said...

Loving the pink toenails on Alisa! I'm pretty sure I have the cutest grandkids ever! Love the video of Jake singing and the big CHEESE at the end. He IS a cheeser!

simpledatamining said...

Great to see you guys are taking advantage of Southern California living. It's great to see pictures of you guys at all. We haven't been in contact much since you guys got married and left for school. Looks like you're doing well. If you haven't already noticed, there's a link to our blog on Nate and Kristen's blog. Talk to you later, Jed Isom