Monday, October 20, 2008

Flower and Flour and Jack-O-Lanterns

I was on the computer and Jake said, "Mom, I am a flower!" I turned to find this. He has part of Alisa's costume on his head. Lovely Flower.
When our house was fumigated, we accidentally left some pinto beans and some flour uncovered in the house, so we had to throw them away. I am very slow at throwing anything away, unfortunately. I get this from my dad. If our washer or dryer broke, we'd get a new one and move the old one to the basement to "fix" it later or use it for parts. I remember the second time our washer and dryer broke. I think dad switched out the oldest ones in the basement for the more recently broken ones. Who knows what ever happened to them? Dad? 

I digress. So I had this bucket of white flour (which I try not to use, but you know, sometimes wheat is just not the same!). Alisa started burying her hands in it while I was making dinner. Prior to that, she was whining at the door and clinging on my leg, so I was happy for her to take a little dip in the flour. I came out a few minutes later to this mess. Whole contents emptied. Probably about as much as in one of those big bags (between 5 and 25. The medium one. LOTS.). Why did I think it was going to stay in the bucket?

Tonight for Family Home Evening, we carved Jack-O-Lanterns. Jake and Alisa were totally grossed out by the slimy insides, so we got to do the fun part. They both loved it when we lit them and turned off all the lights and sang "oooh, oooh, this is Halloween!" just like I always did with my fam growing up. 
Jake is looking rather Jack-O-Lantern-esque, if you ask me.
We could hardly keep her off the table-especially once they were glowing.
This was in the dark (flash does wonders).
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, This Is Halloween!!! 


Harward Family said...

cute pumpkins! I love the pictures of them playing in the flour it looks like they had a Blast!

Colleen said...

Thanks for the crack up this morning. I am laughing out loud at the flour pictures and the reference to Jake looking like a Jack-o-lantern! What a lot of fun. I bet it was "fun" cleaning up the flour, too! You're such a good mom!

Camille said...

Ok i wonder how long it took you sweep that one up?!? Hee hee worth the memories. I have never heard the ohh ohh it is halloween will have to teach me that one sometime. We need to do our pumpkins soon the squirrls are getting to them. Sorry for all the craziness going on out there about prop 8. Hope you guys are staying safe!

Mindy and Marty said...

Those pictures are HIL-arious! you are such a good mom to let your kids play in the flour like that! I always knew you'd be a great mommy! love it! was it fun to clean after?! your pumkins look great !

megan said...

A. I love the flower pic.
B. I love the flour everywhere! I bet they loved playing in it!
C. I love that Halloween song too! We sand it growing up!
Cute post!

The McCormick Family said...

It's good to know my child isn't the only one who likes to run around in undies. And as for the flour...I can so relate. Thanks for the laugh. Hope you laughed too.