Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I almost forgot...

In all my thinking about food, I almost forgot that I was officially released after three glorious years as Primary Chorister. No, this didn't happen as a direct result of the primary program, which was last Sunday. They actually released me BEFORE the program, thank you very much. 

Currently, I have no new calling, so I am floating, but am assured this won't be for long! :) 

I'll miss the kids and the music. Our primary is really big, with probably 70 or 80 active kids. Our program went so well. We threw in some fun things like a violin descant on I am a Child of God and a children/teachers duet. It went really well. I love the kids! It's been a great calling.


toby said...

Ali!!! Thanks so much for getting in touch! I know, I know I need to update my blog. We've been super busy around here. We're expecting baby NUMBER FOUR in April!!! We're pretty excited. I think this one will probably be our last.
We're doing great! Living in Alpine, Utah. Jake is an air traffic controller for the Salt Lake City airport and he's loving it. That's what we were going to school for in Cali:) I sure am jealous of your weather. We've already had a couple of big snows! Yuck.
How are you and Scott and your two little ones doing?! I can't remember..is Scott studying to become a dentist? How much longer will you guys be in San Bernardino and then what's the plan? If you're ever in Utah, please let us know! We'd love to hang out.
Little Jake is SO BIG and Alisa is adorable!!
That's neat that someone found the Omanson's blog! What's the address?!
PS I LOVE your halloween costumes!!!! You totally pull off Sarah Palin!!

Ashley said...

Well done Ali. You did a great job with those kids. For three long years. Pass the torch my friend, and enjoy your well deserved free time for a bit.

Laura Mc said...

Ali, the program was great! Thanks for all your hard work. My girls love singing time.