Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Warning: Not about Prop. 8

It may come as a shock, but I am posting a normal family post tonight. We went to the pumpkin patch today (ah, I love fall... although So Cal hasn't quite figured out how to cool it down! It was 95 today). The highlight was the petting zoo. I must say, my kids did not get their love of animals from me! It was a warm, fun day spent with friends.

Alisa tried and tried to wake this goat up. She threw hay on it, grabbed fur/hide, pulled ears, and poked eyes and all it did was readjust. Poor stinky animal!
How many toddlers does it take to feed a baby goat straw? Apparently, more than 4.
Tina, you fat lard! 
Jake and Jonas 
She's not shy
Dangerous contraption to send hay up to the goats on the roof. Hallie insisted on doing it even after pinching fingers multiple times! 
This is what the boys did when we told them to take a "Best Friends" picture.
The pumpkin patch
It was hot and I came home and ate this scrumptious salad for lunch. YUM! Makes me want another one right now!
Call me a bad mom, but after Jake dumped out a huge bottle of bubble bath about a year and a half ago, I refused to buy him more. I found some cute Curious George Bubble Bath at the 99 cent store and couldn't refuse... Alisa's first Bubble Bath! She immediately tried to eat them.

**Just imagine her a little older with lovely locks (as opposed to sparse growth seen now)--watch out boys!
Yes this is a rental house... No we did not choose the pink.
Sparse-haired bubble face


Melissa said...

Cute pics. I love the best friends picture. I am happy to hear they have Curious George bubble bath at the dollar store, Jordan will be so happy.

JLJ said...

Yummy looking salad! Is that raspberry dressing?

Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

WOW, Alisa looks just like Lisa in those bath pictures! She is definately a crane, so cute!!

The Whitely Family said... I've been blog-stocking you for months now and figured it was a good time to leave you a comment and add you to my blog list. I love your blogs. You have such a fun cheery outlook on life, your family and kids. Plus, way to go supporting Prop 8!!! See you this weekend?

AshleyS said...


Jacqui said...

Cute kids. Glad we're related. Awesome llama picture. Tina, you fat lard, COME EAT YOUR DINNER! Miss you! (Did you get my voicemail? Gonna email you now...)

Can you tell from my blog that your Prop 8 posts got me all fired up? AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh