Thursday, October 2, 2008

What have I been up to?

Since my friend, Melissa, told me about the new book being written from Edward's point of view (18 chapters online, due to a copyright enfringement), I have been sneaking in moments of this. If you are a fan of Bella and Edward, have a go.


Kristin said...

Ali! Hi!
So...I've been checking out all your posts and can I just say that your family is beautiful! Also...your dad looks fantastic. I haven't seen him since high school and I'm really really impressed. I didn't even recognize him. :) Hope things are going well for you. Tell Scott hi for me. :) (and Lisa if you get the chance...turns out we were in the same apartment complex all last year and didn't know life's hectic.)

Kristi said...

I read this too! I actually liked it better than any of her other books! I thought that reading from Edwards perspective was fascinating!

tmataitusi said...

Hi Allie! Had to comment. Liked Edward's perspective more than Bella's. She tires me. I hope SM decides to finish it. Twilight still my favorite of the 4. Admit to reading the first 3 in 10 days this summer - followed by a really funny "hickey" story, but TMI. There should be a warning on the books. Won't go there. Have a lovely day. Love reading about your family - darling!