Monday, October 27, 2008

Family Visit

I love it when family comes to visit us! My bro, Jared, and wife Amanda came to see my dentist spouse. They live in San Diego, but it's always great to see them. Corban is still the cutest little boy and the kids had a great time with him and Nika (the dog).

This was reading scriptures together after dinner one night. The bubbles kept the kids in one place while we read to them. Yes they were distracted, but aren't they always?! They're only 3 and 1.
And Yes, it's still this warm here. It's 95 or so every day! Where is the crisp fall weather???
More playing on/in the dog kennel. I came outside to find Nika AND Alisa in the kennel with the door locked. Thanks, Jake! 
Jared and Jake playing with the sidewalk chalk. Jared was a great sword fighter with Jake... the whole time! Thanks, Jare!
Alisa is started to get in to coloring too. She's growing up way too fast!
Getting ready to leave. Isn't Corban the cutest little button?
Corban trying to give loves to Alisa while she tries to push him away from the dog.
Jake surprised me with this beauty: (or should I say booty)
This is Alisa's 3-6 month pumpkin costume that Jake tried on the other day. Nice.

My kids zoned out watching a movie. Alisa suprised us. She is never this into movies. It is incentive for Jake to hold still during the haircut.


Melissa said...

You have such cutie pie kids! I think we are pretty near each other, we are in Glendale. I am terrible with directions and California is too big for me to know! Email me and let's get together!

Jacqui said...

Al, those pics of Jake had me laughing out loud! That is hilarious! How fun to see Jare/Amanda. Can't wait for Christmas!

Colleen said...

so much to comment on! Love the little pumpkin bum. It's amazing that he fit into it. It must stretch. You're a great mom to give those haircuts. That will save you billions of dollars over the years. Loved that Jake locked Alisa AND Nika into the kennel. That cracked me up. Fun times with Jared and Amanda. It's good you're taking advantage of your closeness now, cuz it's winding down!!

Linda said...

Amazing how much "life" can be squeezed into a dog kennel. That's hilarious! Alisa is SO big on her little chair. I just can't believe how much she is growing, and changing. I need to give her some hugs and kisses! Jake is just too cute for his own good. Can't wait to see you guys again! It's been too long.
Love, Mom Seaman