Monday, October 13, 2008

Seriously? Where is the justification?!

This is only the beginning. Read about what happened here. What if your kid was in this class?


Jacqui said...

Oh. My. Gosh. That makes me want to vomit.

What would I do? I'd pull my kid out of school so fast it wouldn't even be funny. Then, I just might sue. That is RIDICULOUS.

What the blankity-blank is the world coming to? Sick and WRONG.

Benji said...

Yeah, I read about this yesterday, the same time I saw the new "no on 8" commercial which claims that the "yes on 8" campaign is using scare tactics and lies. I found it funny and hope that the undecided voters see the connection - on the same week that the no campaign emphatically says in their commercials that children will not be taught about gay marriage in schools, this happens. Classic.

Benji said...

Sorry for the double comment - here's the ad I was talking about:

"It will not affect teaching in schools - that's another lie"

It already has! Just as they're rolling out this ad, too.

Kristi said...

That gave me chills - in a bad way! It is sick and wrong and I honestly am afraid... And wondering how will I home school my kids????

Kristi said...

Also - we had planned on going to D-land this month but decided to pass since when we were gonna go was GAY WEEK????? What is up with that?

Jennifer said...

Sick sick sick. Here's a video I like. It's with Elder Bednar discussing Prop. 8. Maybe you've already seen it. We don't see much or hear much out here in WI, but I came across this link.
Click on it if you haven't seen it.