Thursday, February 21, 2008

Parroting and Misnomers

Mom. Listen to me. I know you are really sad, but...I need you to be happy. Ok?

Hallie, are you listening to me? Look at my eyes. I need you to listen.

Uh-oh. Hallie forgot her bandaid! (her headband)

Going in to church: I will sit with mom and Alisa and dad will play the ormament (organ).

We had a maintenance guy here doing some minor repairs (he unhooked the wires to the death trap heater in the bathroom!) and Jake was, of course, hanging out with him. Later, I asked Jake what he said to the guy. His response? "You are a good worker!" Nice.


Jacqui said...


Lori said...

So hilarious. I love reading your blog!

Jennifer said...

They sure do hear every word don't they? (Notice I didn't say that they necesarily listen to every word!) It's crazy how much you have to watch what you say . . . and what others say around your kids. My friend was flying with her 3 & 1 year old when the 3 year old (very loudly)said something like, "you better listen or I'll spank you so hard!" She had never even said anything like that to her kids:) Cute, cute Jake!

Kristi said...

Those are sooo funny! I especially love that Scott plays the ormament!