Saturday, May 17, 2008

First Father and Sons Outing

Yep, still going strong! Scott and Jake took the truck and went on backroads (as opposed to freeway) to the campout. Even though we've had multiple offers, we will never sell it (never mind that it's not really ours)!!!
Here's the end of the campout. Jake and Jonas all sticky and dirty!

Jake in ol' whitey. 

Jonas, Jake and Ethan by the campfire.
This is the amphitheater where they had the evening program. There's a stage in front where they did a silhouette scene type program with narrator. Scott said it was very cool.
Jake and Jonas at breakfast. Once Jake found Jonas, they were inseparable! Jonas is a few weeks older than Jake.
The boys and the tents (thanks, mom and dad, for letting us permanently borrow the tent!). I know we are low budget, but really... that tarp blew into our driveway on a windy day. I was going to put it in the recycling, then thought, hey, we could probably use this! I guess Scott had the same idea when he saw it...
Inside the tent
This is a couple of years ago at the pumpkin patch, just giving you an idea of what the blow up things are like there. FUN!
Jake on the trampoline. He wouldn't let go of Scott's hand. A little nervous.
Jake's potential, but it's not Jake.
Friends from the ward
Rock climbing wall, a.k.a. Spiderman wall. Jake not pictured.

Alisa and I enjoyed some girl bonding while Jake and Scott went to the Father and Sons Campout last night. We went to Panera and spent money we don't have on a scrumptious turkey and artichoke sandwich. It comes with half a baguette, which Alisa promptly took and gnawed on the whole time. She even started pinching bread out of the center. She was, as always, happy and smiley the whole time. Love that angel!

Our stake really knows how to have a party, apparently! This is out at the Christmas tree farm, which is the same location as the pumpkin patch (about 20 minutes east of us). It's owned by some families in the ward. For Halloween (and maybe Christmas?) they put up a bunch of blow up toys and other carnival games. It's fun! Anyhow, they put up some for the Father and Sons stake campout. Jake, as you can tell, was really nervous about the trampoline. 

They had a blast! Jake was really into the tent. They finally got in to go to bed around 9:30 (I don't think they even brushed their teeth!) and Jake said, "This is such a nice tent! ... So, dad, what are we going to do? Did you bring some toys? Or maybe we could play a game?" He also yelled hi to anyone that passed the window. As soon as his head hit the pillow, he was out. So glad they could go!

It is such nice weather here, we are ready to camp a lot more! Anyone care to join us?


Jacqui said...

Oh how fun! That is MY kind of camping, seriously. How nice they do a f & s outing. They don't do it here...

We'd love to camp with you all sometime!

Linda said...

Love the pictures! Thanks for keeping us to to date. It looks like they had a terrific time! You are still the Blogger Queen.

Anonymous said...

How fun for Scott and Jake!

Andy & Jen said...

Cute pics! It was seeing you friday, Alisa is too cute!

JLJ said...

Fun Fathers and Sons. Blow up toys? So much safer for 4 year old than a big ol' lake.