Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Am I THAT Dumb?

I'm on the phone with a Wells Fargo Rep. just now. If you have seen Meet the Robinsons, she was the lady with the coffee patch. Seriously. (if you haven't seen it, I recommend it. It's random and funny!) Here is our conversation in a nutshell:

Me: Hi. I have a Monthly Service Fee on my savings account. I'm wondering why. 

Coffee Patch (VERY bubbly): Well, let's see... The monthly service fee is... Um... Well... How do I put this into words? It's a fee for a monthly service... Yeah, it's a monthly fee for a service...

OH, my! How enlightening! How did I not understand before? Hmmm... it was a bit confusing to read the title and figure out what it really meant. What is the service you are rendering here, coffee patch lady? I MUST BE AN IDIOT!!!!


Treasuring Life's Little Moments... said...

Are you kidding?!? Now I'm wondering if I have a "monthly service fee" on our savings account...That is hilarious!!

AshleyS said...

ah hahahahaha! gosh, ali, i can't believe you didn't know that!

i've had my share of run-ins with customer sreivce people over the phone. luckily you're probably a lot nicer than I am b/c one time i yelled at the guy and he ended up making threatening phone calls, I had to call the police, and he got fired.

Colleen said...

No, you're not that stupid. I mean, you know that ducks fly and you don't need a license for driving a ride-on mower. You're a freaking genius. Of course you are. You're my child. (inside joke)

Jacqui said...

Okay, did Mom just say "freaking"?!?!

Jacqui said...

PS That is hilarious. No doubt you sat on the phone for 20 minutes before you got such enlightenment from the "customer service.'